Chult Day 7 - Malar's Throat
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Day 7 - Malar's Throat


Awake early at the Thundering Lizard   Yesne has been bitten by the bugs and becmes ill overnight. Warning horns resonate around the city as the party is about to have breakfast.   Malar's Throat is under attack Rescue those in the Temple of Temorah . Meet Head Priest Thokeen Luck Leader . Thokeen Luck Leader gives us a gallon of Taje and potion of greater healing. He is going to research the Soul Monger. He cures Yesne Brightstar . Meet Habiru - works for Aazon Talieri The Master of Whispers, looking for maps Captain Soshen turns up and says he will put in a word where he can to source a mount for the blood race.   Return to the Thundering Lizard for the evening

Related Location
Malar's Throat
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