Chult Swirly, whirly, rainbow snail
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Swirly, whirly, rainbow snail

3/7 1:00

The night passes smoothly. Upon waking the temperature has soared to over 40 degrees. It is also raining. As it’s so hot, we travel slowly. By midday the rain stops but the heat lowers so the party picks up the pace. Nisus recognises where we are as somewhere near where he saw the shiny arm. We head towards the mountain and see several passes. We head for the highest one in an attempt to find out where it could be. Yesne asks Ilonas if she is able to fly up and find the landslide from up above. She obliges and returns noting there have been a few, but one is up ahead of us. Night begins to fall so we light torches, we find our way to the rockslide area, and just on the cusp of Kailyn’s vision something reflects back definitely metallic in nature. We head towards it and find a forearm sticking out of the rocks. Kailyn puts the bracelet on and asks Vorn to stand but nothing happens. Fang tries shifting rocks to clear it, and as she does the whole floor shifts, the area around it collapses and she falls (Yesne casts feather fall on the party). The rocks tumble into the rest of the party. Fang falls around 30ft and then lands on smooth stone, slips down and bumps into something solid in the dark. Kailyn looks and sees what looks like an upside down tower (there is a door upside down). Fang looks up and can see what looks like a broken out large window, and the sky above. It’s a man made thing she is in. Next to her, Fang sees an arm (just an arm) and next to her is a staircase. She’s on the underside of a ceiling (the tower is upside down). She fires an arrow lit up out of the window. As she looks around she can see a few things. On the staircase, there are gouges and scrape marks, that have left metallic looking lines going down, from the gap in the staircase there are rainbow colours coming from the room. Bjorn jumps down immediately to help. With the aid of feather fall we all jump down. Kailyn goes to look into the next room. He sees an abandoned room of disarray. It is full of magic. On the ceiling (below him) he sees a giant oversized shell of a snail, it is scintillating with colours, rippling all over the shell. Then it shuffles and shuffles again. A hand sticks out of it, then another, skinny thin little hands with sucks on it’s fingers, the shell raises up.

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