Chult Day 34 - Kailyn swims in poo
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Day 34 - Kailyn swims in poo


Main Events
• The Guardians of the Gate arrive at Camp RighteousFang Frees a Fledgling Axe BeakKailyn Tharamor goes Latrine Diving for Shiny Things • Yesne Brightstar Learns Undril Silvertusks Past • Fang and Kailyn Tharamor Beat the Crocodile Shrine (The Crocodile Skin) • The Guardians of the Gate Gain Magic Goodies!!! • The Batiri (Queen GrabStabs Tribe) Steal The Guardians of the Gate Canoes • Queen Grabstab Demands Tribute • The Guardians of the Gate Fight a T-Rex While the Batiri (Queen GrabStabs Tribe) Soar • The Guardians of the Gate Free Autumnreaver Harnt • The Guardians of the Gate Learn Nephyr is Captured • The Guardians of the Gate Set out to Rescue Nephyr (Freeing Nephyr)Undril Silvertusk & Inete Escorted to Camp Vengence by Autumnreaver Harnt

Day 5, 10.30am arrive at camp righteous and main buildings all burnt. Two row boats tied up at port. Statue of man with crocodile on back to north of camp – this is the temple See small Axbeak bird caged in pen. Known to be aggressive. 8ft tall when fully grown. Looks trapped in pen. Fang opens pen. Bird runs off.   Kailyn detects magic in the toilet. Goes into the toilet and jumps in the poo. Finds a dead body cowering with it’s shield. Finds 5 gem stones in a purse and a brooch. It’s a brooch of shielding.   Undrill has read about this place. She has a wealthy family and they have a library. She says Yesne can come and visit one day. When the order first brought war they established camp righteous as base camp. Shrine wasn’t the focus but was of intense curiosity. It was said the shrine was trapped heavily and people were unable to find out what was inside. To her knowledge no reports have been made of anybody getting inside the temple. Mistakes made by commander breakbone when establishing the settlement, overconfidence, no defences were built. Hundreds of undead swarmed and overran the camp only a couple of months ago. Gauntlet members left in Nyanzaroo made another attempt but it was deemed impossible. That’s when camp vengeance was set up (also by commander breakbone). Reports say he was more cautious but still needed help.   Jug (of a face, wide open mouth), Statue (3 golden arracocra pointing in and upwards) and Chest   8000gp, 800plat, roughly carved figurine made of jade in the shape of a crocodile (magic)   Yesne inspects –   Jug : fully functioning alchemy jug, works exactly as intended (fills when commanded)   Statue : odd magic, gives a flashback of why it is what it is. See agreements between arracocra and ancient tribesmen with stone weapons. The agreement appears to be that none shall fly in the skies apart from arracocra. In return, items like these were given to the humans of chult to be used when needed and with permission. Flash forward to one of these items being used. It is planted in the ground, a ring of individuals around it and a ritual cast. All those ringed around it can suddenly fly – they turn into arracocra. It’s a one use item.   Jade Crocodile : Has 3 charges, it can be used – 1 for animal friendship or water walk. 2 for a tribal warrior through the mist who delivers a croc on his back who will obey your demands. Croc lasts for 1 hour before 0 hit points. Spells are DC13. Charges are reset by 1d3 per night.   After going through temple, go to our canoes but they have been taken (presumably by goblins) who have left a note saying bring treasure for return of boats. Follow obvious tracks to canoes. See fires and hear a lot of noise, party like.   Found by the goblins wandering to their camp. Grabstab is the leader / queen. They want our treasure. Bjorn gives her his coin bag. They want more. Yesne sees a human locked in a cage and demands to know who it is. They claim not to know anything about it, so Yesne gets angry about it. Meanwhile, Kailyn (who is invisible) creeps up to the person in the cage to tell them it will be ok and he will rescue them.   The goblins hear a noise, force us out of their camp and then the whole of their village folds up and is catapulted away. The cage with the person in is left and we are faced with a T-Rex….   Around the T-rex. Kailyn notices little nimbus’ in black and white, fading in and out. From the cage ‘Shit this is not my day’. The fight begins. Ubato is protecting the T-Rex. Takes a lot of damage, fang casts speak with animals, T-Rex roars ‘ubato help’, is healed and fang tells the T-Rex to leave us alone. The herd of Axbeaks return, make a display and the T-Rex leaves. Fang talks to the Axbeaks and makes friends (one of them gives Fang a feather).   Kailyn goes to the cage and opens it up. She says her name is Genevieve Oberhelm. Kailyn thinks its Autumn Wreather Harnt and signs ‘friend’ in Druidic. Similar looking to Bronn, has piercings, more tattoos and dreadlocks. She wants to know who he learnt it off – mention it’s Qawasha and Kupaluway (who likes to eat bones). She was on her way from the East when she was attacked by Terrafolk. Saved by an Arracocra (Nephyr!) who came crashing in to them. He was very hurt, the Arracocra picked him up and carried him off to the East. She passed out and doesn’t remember being carried around half a day by the Goblins. They were Terrafolk of the Firefinger clan. Tips of skulls painted with reds and yellows (like flames).   Retrieve canoes   Azzaka is not hurt, Yesne questions it but she claims to be fine.   That evening on watch Kailyn suggests to Yesne that Azzaka is a Lycanthrope. She isn’t sure, they ask Ilonas, she isn’t sure either but Kailyn asks if maybe she could. She’s requested berries for his help. Whilst talking, Yesne asks Kailyn if he lies and he says no. When Kailyn has spoken to Ilonas in his head he tells Yesne he’s not talking. Elonast then tells her he is. She’s sad he lied to her.   Kailyn asks if Yesne knows of any creatures that can regenerate……Trolls, Werewolves some powerful undead and a trait known to be as part of fiends and demons. Often a powerful feature. A fiend known for regen is a Racksashar – humanoid with tiger like features, inherently evil, master shape changers. Ilonas goes out to watch and returns in the morning. She says Azzaka was aware that ‘somebody’ was watching her.

Related Location
Camp Righteous
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