Chult Gelatinous cube vs Kailyn
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Gelatinous cube vs Kailyn


The party rest and wake early the next morning. Bjorn asks Kur’uk for some food, she supplies the party with two days worth of bugs/insects.   The party opens the door. It is pitch black inside. Nisus and Yesne both cast light. In front of us is a corridor, at the end is a descending staircase. Elessa and Kailyn both check the first step to see if it is safe to descend. After around 60-70ft of descent we end at a small room. Before stepping off the last step Elessa and Kailyn notice something irregular on the stonework, it appears to be a pressure plate around 5ft that triggers something around the door. Kailyn disables the trap to ensure safe passage.   We find ourselves in a foyer area. At the end of the room are two damaged doors (damaged out of the room towards the next). The door has been clawed and hit with large amounts of force to splinter the wood. The damage is old. Elessa notices a slumped body of a grung in the corner of the room. The body has slash and claw marks. It is holding the remains of a spear – the spear head appears to have shattered. Bjorn has a look at the spear, it looks like it’s been shattered but there’s no flaws in the remaining metal.   Kailyn borrows a page from Yesne’s book (the index page) and rubs charcoal over the door to see if he can determine what was on the door. It’s large but appears to be a head of a cat and snakes. Shagambi.   Bjorn uses a crowbar to prize open the doors and manages to create a gap large enough to pass through.   Behind the door a large bar was blocking the way. Down the corridor ahead statues are on either side in alcoves. Bodies are scattered on the floor, they appear to be humans in tribal dress, dead a long time. The bodies have been slashed, pierced, bludgeoned to death. They appear to have been bracing the door shut from whatever was trying (and succeeded) to break through. Kailyn turns a few of the bodies over to see if he can establish any leaders. One stands out, it is gaunt and sallow, pale of skin. It has the most noticeable wound – damage around it’s neck. Kailyn asks Nisus for the light so he can have a closer inspection. It has two puncture wounds. Kailyn, Yesne and Fang recognise this is possibly from a vampire. Yesne knows that Vampires are incredibly powerful, particularly in their combat power. Not much below a lych. Sensitive to sunlight, stake to heart and running water is like acid to them.   Nisus investigates the statues, it is a good carving, but not realistic, of a warrior. They appear to be native to Chult.   We continue down the corridor into another, larger room. Again, more bodies litter the room. These are a variety of warriors and also skeletons.   Kailyn and Nisus enter the room, following are Bjorn and Elessa, when suddenly a brick wall comes down blocking the room off, leaving Yesne and Fang outside the room.   Inside the room, the bodies start to move.     In the corridor the two statues come to life.   Once dispatched of the enemy, Kailyn tries to investigate the room to see if he can open the wall to the corridor. He notices in the corner of the room two levers which appear to open doors. He manages to work out how to do this.   When the door opens, the corridor is in darkness, Bjorn looks down the corridor and sees nothing. Nisus calls out and neither Yesne nor Fang answer back. Elessa checks for traps. Bjorn steps into the corridor and Ilonas (invisible), creates gusts of wind around him. Fang casts some ominous whispers. Bjorn walks down the corridor and Yesne jumps out at him.   The party heads back into the room and Kailyn works out the other lever, we feel a movement of air as the stone in the floor begins to sink down creating a new descending staircase (heading back on itself). When this opens Nisus feels an intense pain and sickness.   Kailyn notices that some of the undead have a purple screaming skull on their foreheads (it is the mark of Assarak).   Whilst walking through, Yesne has a wager with Nisus. If there are no books he has to teach Yesne his ‘ayayay’ noise. If there are books Yesne will teach Nisus a spell.   The party begin to descend the stairs, around 40ft. As we progress, we notice a light coming from the bottom of the staircase, it is a sickly greenish colour. The bottom opens up into another room. Ahead, a throne / seat of sorts with a strange looking creature sitting on it. The light slides around it. As Nisus reaches the bottom of the steps it raises it’s head and looks at him.   N ‘my friend, go well into the light’ ? ‘what brings you to the resting place of the champion of the snakes and jaguar’ N ‘I felt a call, from miles away in my heart and head. I was hoping you could tell me what I am doing here?’ ? ‘you have been touched by Shagambi’. It raises it’s hand out and Nisus feels a cold breeze coming out of him   ? ’a great wrong was done here, and the evil festers allowing those to not move on’ N ‘we will not tolerate such things, you are right, I had an encounter with a Kamadan’ ? ‘the avatars of great Shagambi long lost and trapped’ N ‘what must we do?’ ? ‘purge and free this tomb of the infection that the devourers legions brought here. The champion of the snakes and jaguar must be released’ N ‘My friends and my party will help, who are you?’ ? ‘I no longer remember who or what I was, leave the remnants of what happened here allowed me to be sustained in some way. You are the first I have seen in some time who I feel may be of some service’   N ‘are you in pain?’ ? ‘Constant’ N ‘then we will help’ ? ‘Good, the defilers got further into the tomb, I do not know how far or how deep they got, but they brought something with them, I feel it, the taint’ N ‘do you remember exactly what it was’ ? ‘no’ N ‘will we know it when we see it’ ? I would imagine so, something is holding darkness in this place N ‘if you are one of the original denisons, what information can you give us about the prorceeding rooms; ? I was a guard in the top layers, not permitted to go down into the final resting chamber. I know there are traps designed to defend the tomb N ‘you have no key’ ? ‘no, I do remember something. You need to seek out letters I remember that being part of some plan the higher ups had. That’s all I recall’ Nisus turns to Kailyn – ‘I think this is why I am here, what do you think?’ K ‘sounds reasonable’ K ‘how many more rooms to the tomb?’ ? ‘I know of at least 5 but my memory is more of the attack and the assault I struggle to remember anything else’ K’ the thing they brought, can you describe it’ ? ‘some sort of, it’s odd, it’s hazy…. Some sort of portable prison’ K ‘what do the interlopers look like? Did they hold the screaming skull on their foreheads? ? Yes it was the legions of the lord of the unlife, they had found out where we were looking to wipe out our remnants looking to wipe out the gods themselves. We were hunted by the undead; K ‘you mention traps ahead? Is there anything else defending the spaces? Creatures?’ ? ‘I don’t believe creatures were used’ K ‘we fought two statues above? More of the ilk?’ ? ‘I don’t recall, the details are fuzzy, I just remember the screaming and the battles’ N ‘why are you here, this room?’ ? ‘I don’t know’ K ‘what killed you’ ? ‘I can’t recall’ N ‘we will take the task but if we help you will you help us’ ? ‘What more can I do’ N ‘anything within your power’ ? ‘I still remember the high priest the individual who oversaw this tomb. Something about letters’   Kailyn makes his way to a door on the right of the chamber.   N ‘thank you, hopefully you will be released from this place soon’ ? ‘I am more fussed the evil is released’   The being gestures and the door disappears.   We feel darkness, and sadness and pain, fear and trepidation as the door slips away.   Through the doorway, a circular room, with a square shaft descending. On the edge are stone carved ladders.   Elessa decides to scare Kailyn by walking up to him whilst he’s investigating the shaft, he walks past Yesne telling her to shush. Gets the thumbs up from Yesne and jumps at Kailyn. Unfortunately, Kailyn is so scared he falls into the void. Elessa tries to grab him and she falls with him. On seeing this, Yesne casts Feather Fall on them and they start to descend slowly. Kailyn and Elessa argue. Kailyn drinks a potion of flight and returns up the shaft. Suddenly a cube flings down from the ceiling, traps Kailyn and starts to descend.   As Kailyn exits the cube he and Elessa retreat to another chamber, where they are confronted by a very large zombie who has ripped off his arm to attack them with.   Once the cube and zombie are defeated Kailyn finds a large battleaxe, a sturdy leather belt coated in bits of brass and runes, also a thin and slender wand. Yesne points out to Kailyn he has no use for a wand so gives it to Nisus on the instruction he is not to use it yet until she has found out what it does.   Fang looks down the doorway to the left and sees a faint whiteish blueish glow coming from down the corridor, at the bottom seems to be another room. They can see what looks to be stone sarcophaguses and a font at the bottom. Elessa notices that the body of the zombie starts to twitch. Bjorn runs at it and stabs it in the heart and it stops twitching, Nisus shoots fire at it.   Kailyn shoots a small dart with light on to the end and sees there are two bodies at the bottom. Using his telescope, he is unable to see anything else. Kailyn and Fang begin to walk down the corridor. Kailyn retrieves his undead torch, the sarcophagus nearest appear to have been damaged. Looks like another area of heavy fighting as there are more bodies scattered around the floor. Kailyn notices a lot of holes in the walls going down the corridor between sarcophaguses. Kailyn then finds secret corridors that loop behind the corridor to take them to the end of the room. There is a font with an ornate sculpture of Shagambi. Two figures, the one on the bottom lying on his back. The one on the top has him arms crossed on its chest and has a glowing sword protruding through its lower back. The one on its back is obvious however the top figure with its arms crossed is more unusual as the arms don’t suggest it was fighting. The font has water flowing into it.   The body in the room starts twitching again so both Nisus and Yesne firebolt it.   Bjorn follows Kailyn and Fang and Elessa takes the secret corridor to the left.   As Kailyn and Fang get closer they realise the figure on top is holding a stake and pushing it in to the body on the bottom. The body on the bottom has a gaunt, ashen white face; a vampire.   Kailyn recalls, vampires are almost eternal in nature and the only way to truly kill one is to completely destroy it. It will then turn into a mist and it will return to it’s original burial coffin. Then it will need to be killed in it’s original coffin to be truly killed. A staked vampire is only paralysed until the stake is removed. Kailyn remembers seeing a troll regenerating unless it did big damage. He recalls that vampires regenerate 100% faster than a troll. Fang recalls detecting an abhorration - a vampire is not one so there is something else down here.   Kailyn and Nisus have a look at the font to see if it is holy water. Nisus touches it and feels a sort of burning, Kailyn takes a vial but no burning for him. The party decides to leave the vampire be and departs via the secret tunnels. Upon leaving Kailyn attempts to break the doors leading to the secret tunnels so the vampire cannot easily escape should it wake. He also casts alarm on the door through to the sarcophagus tunnel so that anything that isn’t alive sets it off.   Elessa investigates the door opposite the circular shaft and finds no traps, Yesne hears no noise. Bjorn opens the door and sees a steeply descending set of stairs, which are relatively narrow.   Kailyn checks the other door in the room (the one opposite the sarcophagus / font / vampire room) to check for traps. Bjorn opens the second door to find a corridor leading onto a 40ft room. Bodies strewn on the floor in this room. The ceiling is supported by 4 columns, around 2.5 ft in diameter, however two of the columns appear to be quite damaged. There has been heavy fighting in this room.   Kailyn ties a rope around himself and asks Bjorn to hold the end in case the ceiling collapses. He then proceeds down the corridor to look in the room for anything that may be of interest. Whilst looking in the room, Kailyn notices something twitching and feels there is something ‘off’ with the back wall. The brickwork / pattern doesn’t feel right. Kailyn shoots the wall with his crossbow. It hits the wall and bounces off. ¬There are more undead than there are Chultans. Elessa goes into the chamber and has a look at the column and feels it has been purposely broken rather than accidentally. Elessa also feels something is not right with the wall. Yesne questions why this room has pillars supporting the ceiling. The party looks at the wall for some time. Fang, running out of patience, walks up to the wall and sees nothing.   Kailyn notices there are a disproportionate amount of weapons in the room and being proficient, they are not bad weapons so it is unusual.   Yesne stands aside Fang and investigates the wall, she finds a secret door in the wall and moreover, finds the button for the secret door. She points this out to the rest of the party. Kailyn finds that the button is untrapped. The party moves away from the door and Nisus, casting Mage hand attempts to push the concealed brick to open the door. The floor in front of the door drops, descending deeply whilst the brick door lifts slightly allowing a person to pass through.   The party descends the staircase, which is around 100ft long. Kailyn finds a lever on the other side of the door which shuts off the secret door.   At the bottom of the stairs is a room with a plinth housing a sarcophagus. Elessa, checking for traps, notices a dead body slumped to the left of the room. The body is that of a Chultan warrior.   Yesne looks at the sarcophagus. It is undisturbed, but appears simple and practical in it’s creation. It is well done and has pictures linked with Shagambi but more geometric style carvings in it. Also, depictions of masonry and building. Kailyn helps Yesne figure out the carvings and they realise they are floor prints. It depicts a designer or an architect. Perhaps the builder of the place we are in. The patterns are not of this place, they are more just indicative. But appear to be of the same design of the place we are in. Often, designers of these buildings are buried in them as a mark of respect.   Kailyn looks at the body of the Chultan, it is difficult to tell how it died, there are no wounds. There is a panel above the body (on the wall) which is smashed. There are no mechanics on the wall but there are glyphs on it. It would now be impossible to tell what this glyph is or was.   Bjorn attempts to crowbar open the sarcophagus with some help from Elessa. Before the dust even settles from the lid being removed, animated suits of armour drop through two hatches in the ceiling. Having dispatched of the sentinels, the party look inside the sarcophagus. Inside are the remains of a human. There is some flesh left on the skeleton, it appears to have gone through a form of embalming, it’s arms across itself. Across its chest is a large hammer. It is holding something in each hand, looks like a small brick. It has long hair, leads us to believe it was a woman. Kailyn detects that the hammer is magical. Nisus attempts to remove the items from the hands. The bricks are like dice with a letter on each side.   The party decides here would be a good place to rest. Yesne takes the time to inspect the items they have found along the way;

  • Hammer : The hammer of breaking. A +1 hammer, single handed. You can twist it and it extends and grows, becomes double handed weapon and does double damage against constructs and inanimate objects. BJORN
  • Wand : This wand is rare, it doesn’t actually cast magic, it is known as a Wand of the War Mage. It allows anyone who holds it to gain +1 bonus to any spell attack rolls they make. You also ignore half cover when making spell attacks. More like a cudgel, very robust and thick, you can tell it has been used in combat. NISUS
  • Leather belt with brass and runes : it is a Belt of Dwarven Kind. The runes are Dwarven in nature. Anyone who attunes to this item. Con increases by 2. Advantage on Charisma persuasion checks with dwarves. Advantage on saving throws against poison. Resistant to poison damage. Gain darkvision 60ft. Can speak, read and write fluent dwarfish. KAILYN
  • Kailyn puts on the belt and grows a magnificent gingery / brown beard.

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