Chult Day 27 - Arrive in Nyanzaru - The Harper Contact
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Day 27 - Arrive in Nyanzaru - The Harper Contact


Main Events

The Guardians Travel Back to Port NyanzaruThe Guardians Meet Their Harper Contact, Kailyns Sister (Rosarin)!!RosarinArranges a Meeting with Wakanga O'tamu Merchant Prince of Magic and LoreThe Guardians Learn About Jessamaine Merchant Prince of Plants, Poisons and Assasins & Her Daughter, Yemsra

Spend the whole day and most of the evening on the sea back to Port Nyanzaru. Arrive back in the harbour late in the evening and make their way to the The Thundering Lizard .   Enter the The Thundering Lizard and hear a loud crash as several drinks are dropped on the floor and a lady shouting 'Kay Kay?' - it's Kailyn Tharamors sister in shock at seeing her brother. She is the harpers contact who is meeting us.   She was told to meet some contacts with a ‘world changing’ event happening and they have to help us. She knows Aumar or Elminster (first name). He went into the jungle after meeting Wakanga O'tamu Merchant Prince of Magic and Lore about 2 months ago, looking for something (she doesn’t know).   Jessamaine Merchant Prince of Plants, Poisons and Assasins hasn’t been seen for a long time. Was noted that she was wearing long clothes despite the heat. Not been seen for two weeks. Her young daughter Yemsra would take over, has had a lot of training, if anything has happened.   Retire to bed, Rosarin Tharamor says she’ll contact Wakanga first thing for us to meet.

Related Location
The Thundering Lizard
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