Chult The great Nang a Nang ceremony
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The great Nang a Nang ceremony

6/7 2:00

Yesne looks at the brush. It creates an illusion. The brush allows a creation of a major image. The image won’t have sound. It will last for an hour. Yesne and Kailyn also manipulate the teleportation crystal believing they have manipulated it enough to take a radius with it when activated.   Yesne talks to Ilonas and asks her if she would like to help out with the trickery of the ceremony. She agrees and asks us to give us a signal when ready.   Kur’uk comes running in and tells us King Groak wasn’t convinced we were going to show enough prowess and so has sent a tribe out to catch something that Bjorn has to fight. Groak requires us all to fight.   As we leave the temple, we see some grungs with wooden dishes. About 80ft in front in the water is clear of Grungs. Elessa sees something coiling around in the water. Kur’uk says ‘don’t die…. Otherwise we will die’.   The party fight a Hydra and successfully kill it.   Groak ‘me’s knew you would defeat it. We must begin the ritual’   K ‘it looks like Elessa is injured, she will stay outside’   Groak ‘me’s understand… me’s ready’   Kailyn sets off some fireworks.   Kailyn tells Elessa to drink the rainbow Taje and then smears her with a potion and makes her invisible. Then he tells her to run ahead.   We enter the chamber   K ‘automoton, bow to your king’. And Vorn bows   ‘great NangNang we have slayed the sacrifice for you, reveal yourself and show the blessing of your beauty and to save the tribe’   Yesne dissipates the dome and NangNang appears.   King Groak you need to protect your people. Conserve your seed and gather strength for one monsoon and then your seed will preserve.   Kur’uk translates.   Groak ‘me’s listen to you, me’s praise your blessing, me’s wait as you ask’   Everyone claps. The party praises and bows Groak.   NangNang disappears (Yesne asks Ilonas to flap around Groak).   King Groak is very pleased. Kur’uk is very releaved.   King Groak ‘Me’s proud of my priestess, her words are now worth the same as NangNang’   Kur’uk ‘thank you, it would not have been possible had these not come with their knowledge. You would surely grant them one or two favours. One for their performance and one for their defeat of the Hydra’   Groak ‘yes I agree’   Yesne hugs him.   Groak ‘what is your request of King Groak who is bestowed by NangNang’   K ‘please gift us the statue you found, we will use it as a symbol of your power. An Icon of King Groak’   Groak ‘me’s grant you the wish of the tin man’   K ‘and the other, we seek your permission to enter the sealed chambers beneath this mighty shrine to do a final task for you. We have heard of how the mighty grung have been lost in thoe tunnels and wish to impart one last gift and clear these tunnels for you’   The Grungs have all gone quiet at this request.   Groak ‘me’s think you will not return. But Me’s can bless with the power of NangNang and the monsoon of tadpoles. Me’s has given you the blessing to go to the rooms of no return’. ‘but now we celebrate’

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