Chult Dead Wizards of Thay
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Dead Wizards of Thay


• The party meets Salida again • They find some dead Wizards of Thay

The night passes silently. We awake to heavy rain, though it is slightly cooler. The party take a quicker pace. Nisus gathers enough fruit to sustain the party for the day. As he was climbing the tree for the fruit, he feels a sharp pain in his foot and feels an immediate headache. He takes off his book and gives it a shake. A small, luminescent snake falls out and slithers off into the jungle. Nisus blasts the snake and heads back to the party where Bjorn cures him.   As dark approaches, we notice a light flicker into life – it seems to be a campfire, slightly higher than us. Thanks to Fang's help, we stealthily make our way to the campfire, Kailyn hears coughing (ill) and low talking coming from around the fire.   As Kailyn approaches the fire, he can make out humanoids. As the fire is slightly higher he can’t see well enough to make out much more. He levitates himself into the air and can see a large plateaued area, around 80-100ft round, relatively flattened off. Off from the centre is a campfire around which are three individuals, definitely humanoid in nature though he can’t make out any details. They are cooking and conversing. However, in the centre, appears to be the remains of a campsite, with a large blast area of burnt and scorched earth. Sat around the centre, there are 3 seated corpses with very singed and tattered red robes.   The individuals around the fire, 1 male, 1 female Chultan. The third, hunched and coughing appears to be more cloaked. Kailyn finds a vantage point in a nearby tree to attempt to hear them but it is too far.   Bjorn walks up and says hello. One of the Chultan’s calls out and says ‘I recognise that voice’. It is Salida.   Kailyn investigates the dead bodies. There are remains of spellbooks, potion ingredients etc. he finds some vials and a small pouch. It appears empty at first, but then it is really deep and dark. He turns the small pouch inside out and hundreds of coins come out.   The vials – 1 a potion of haste, 1 potion of polymorph The pouch – an infinite coin pouch (can hold 10,000 of each coin)   They appear to be the Wizards of Thay. It appears that a blast of fire has hit the bodies from one direction. But it appears to be close proximity casting. With Fang's description of the light he saw last night, Yesne and Nisus are able to establish it was an incredibly powerful fireball spell.   Salida and her party invite us to join them for food. It is a Kologo (the same as what Nisus found).   Nisus questions Salida, what her party are here for – she won’t tell him unless he pays her. She calls Nisus a stupid foreigner. The Kologo isn’t as nice as Fang's so she lets him know how to cook it better.   Kailyn asks who the people are. The man in the cloak Lomar Dral. When talking to Lomar, he recognises his accent. It appears that he is a Harper too. He claims to not know about Saja N'baza. He realises he is Tayvax’ son Kailyn.   Lomar recognises Yesne as a Wizard, she too sees that Lomar Dral is a Wizard. He is a friend of Wakanga and often goes to his library. Lomar is looking for Artus Cimber. He knows there are no libraries, so assumes he will be going to find a person who knows of knowledge – Saja N'baza.   Kailyn tells Salida about the hut we found with the insects in exchange for 10gp. Yesne questions why Lomar doesn’t just use Tiny Hut. He has heard of it but doesn’t know it. I offer him to copy my spell into his spell book. He accepts and in return lets me copy Counterspell into mine. Yesne asks why they are looking for Artus Cimber. They want his knowledge. Perhaps he has something to do with the death curse, or he knows how it has started. Since the ring he has is evil, and evil follows it it could be that this is why the curse has awoken. Lomar clarifies that Artus is hundreds of years old.   The other party member is a warrior, Kanush , son of Natombe.   Rain catchers out. They turn in for the night, which passes smoothly.

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