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Casiumis are a hybrid between vultures and hyenas, though their appearance is much like that of a latter. Considered a failure by their original creators, they are mostly seen wandering in small packs as both of their parent species tend to ignore them. Most of their time is spent feeding on the decomposing or trying to avoid natural predators.

Basic Information


The animal walks on four legs and is the size of a medium-sized dog. However, its legs are far thinner than its counterpart, and its neck is long and slightly curved. Likewise, its head is smaller and longer. Two large wings are upon its back, though the effort needed to use those is far too much and not worth the effort. Flight is short-lived, and they cannot go to great heights.

Genetics and Reproduction

These creatures reproduce sexually. However, they are unable to have young with any other species but their own due to the imbalance of their genetic makeup. With a dwindling population, these creatures are on the verge of extinction.

Growth Rate & Stages

After birth, it takes roughly five months to gain proper usage of their wings. During this time, they are often too top-heavy in order to properly walk, and are extremely reliant on their parents. Once reaching adulthood, and have full control of their wings, they live an average of ten to eleven years. In their old age, their wings stop working and they become too imbalanced to walk properly.

Ecology and Habitats

Due to the intentional breeding, the ideal environment for these creatures is both in flatlands with many burrows and atop trees. However, they do not have the energy needed to reach the ideal branches. Likewise, the wings are too large to make proper use of holes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

These creatures feed on decaying animals, and when desperate plants with ease. However, when food becomes scarce, or they are threatened, it is not uncommon for these to attack and consume smaller animals, though it leaves them sick.


The Casiumis are deeply mistrusting towards all other species. Those who studied them have made many notes of their hostile behaviors and pack mentality.
Hybrid, Shattered Isles.


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