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Horned Pigs

Horned pigs are believed to have originated in the southern, heavily forested areas. Despite sharing a name with pigs, they are vastly different from other species found throughout the world. Their unique disposition and appearance has inspired several organization and militaristic cults. These Horned Pigs are similar is size and appearance to a boar, though they lack the large thick tusks that their cousins grow and have far more fur. Four massive horns also grow from their heads.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

These pigs are able to begin producing offspring at just over a year old. Each litter comprises an average of five. A pig can perform this action three times a year. The total amount of time to produce young is two and a half months.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Despite being mostly considered herbivores, there have been many occasions where they resort to cannibalism, when food becomes scarce enough.


The Horned Pigs are often depicted as lacking empathy among it's own, and following a very self serving lifestyle. This is based on a false observance from a certain scholar, who's works are being taken into question.

Additional Information

Social Structure

These operate in small, closely knit family units. The males often are seen as more distant, and spend very little time with their families as possible, often missing for days at a time before coming back. This is partially due to their nature, as the males often compete with one another, and truth be told, cannot stand the sight of each other.   When a pig is unable to defend itself, and slows down the rest, it leaves forever.


These pigs are unable to be domesticated, but many have attempted it, and many continue to do so today. Despite remaining wild, many of these pigs exhibit signs of laziness not seen in the others. They do not look for food, but rely on those that feed them, to continue. This has caused a large number of them to become too reliant, and has been the cause for the many sightings of them wandering streets, and invading shops.   Although trimming their horns is seen as a good deed, and helps the animal to see for a short while, many respected scholars warn against this behavior, claiming that it does not help with their chances of mating, and can make them ostracized from their own kind.   Another attempt at aiding these creatures is by washing them, and using ointments to remove the stench. This unnatural smell keeps most animals at bay, and causes them to be easier targets by larger, more powerful adversaries.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

These are a difficult species. While they can be used for food, their unnaturral scent seeps into the meat, making it nearly impossible to eat, without masking with many other scents. Their skin, though durable, is too poor of quality to be made into material.   Instead these pigs hold a greater value with inspiring, and symbolism. They are often protected and cared for, despite their true nature beign very lackluster to what people expect.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Horned Pigs suffer from reduced sight and hearing when left completely undisturbed in the wild, due to overgrown horns. However, in a regulated environment, the pig is still a little below average. This forces the pigs to go by intuition.
15 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
All Horned pigs have a very unique marking on their black fur. Ranging from a copper color, to a bright red, his change of color is mostly seen around their eyes, though it sometimes can trace down to their snouts.


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