In His Name {The Warrant} Document in Ciästor | World Anvil
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In His Name {The Warrant}

Three hundred lined the streets, spears and axes gripped tightly in cracked and bloodied hands. Under the yellow banners they awaited the coming of the dawn. The Master, the one who had united them had made a fatal mistake. He had spoken out of turn, expressing his true thoughts freely, which conflicted with a dignitary. Though the matter was trivial, the dignitary was cloaked in the garbs of deceit, and besought the ever watching to intervene. The death of Galax to mask his own embarrassment.   Upon the first light, when the celebrations for the The Witches Flask/When the Crow Mother Arrives first began, the armed guards came. The warrant that was sent to these rebels was carried into battle, alongside many forged copies calling for the arrest and death of the dignitary. Three hundred sallied forth, inspired by their numbers. With grim resolve they went forth, determined not to fail their master.


The document was made to show an official warrent for the arrest of Galax, and to allow the people of Stormgard an excape from the judgement of the city.

Document Structure


The Warrant warned the people that if they did not give their master up, the entire city would be found guilty of his crime and be destroyed. A week was offered for them to accept the deal.

Historical Details


ocument was intended to stop a potential uprising. In a twist of fate, it escalated the issue beyond repair.


The Story
The story behind the warrant revolves around 'The Master', a man of Orcish blood who claimed to have come from the land past the edge of the world. He came, leading the defeated and downtrodden to many victories. A savage devotion was founded around their new leader. However, a warrant for his arrest was made. For the Orc did not bow, nor grovel before the powers that were. Rumors spread faster than the truth, stories of desecrated holy places and forbidden esoteric knowledge that he was hiding.
      The Truth
The truth behind the warrant had nothing to do with a perceived disrespect, or forbidden knowledge. Galax, in truth, was a thief who had stolen a great deal of the knowledge of the Watchers. Although he was left unbothered, his overuse of hidden secrets caused the council to decide that he must be put down and erased from history.

Public Reaction

The public was divided. Many supported the warrant, to a certain measure. Lawful groups saw this as an act of defiance towards the crown, an unforgivable treason. Others refused to accept the judgement and so filled their hearts with contempt and rebellion. What resulted was a tumultuous battle of attrition.


The burning of Stormgard, and the release of several plagues on the land. Hundreds that fought under the yellow were put to death in it's wake.
Warrant, Arrest


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