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Don Leontios (a.k.a. Knight of the Round Table.)

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

He carries a large round table which he uses as a shield. The three legs of the chair have cloth wrapping around them. This allows Leontios to use them as clubs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Leontios, Knight of the Round Table was a lowborn for most of his life. In truth, he never escaped that, for he was never truly knighted. Despite that, he has gained considerable favor with a couple of the noble families.   His calling to be a knight, a storyteller, and an artist came to him in a shoddy inn. Before that night, he was a general laborer, with dreams of pursuing the arts. When a fight broke out between two belligerent guests and others were in danger of their reckless swordplay, Leontios took control of the situation. With a stool, he knocked one of the men unconscious. Grabbing one of the large tables, he forced the other man out the door. Rumors spread quickly in that small town of the giant who crushed a drunk with a table. In his attempts to tell the story as it truly was, Leontios discovered his enjoyment for storytelling. It was in this shoddy inn where he saw the beauty of the little folk, and the potential of their serious, though humourous stories.   Ever since that night, he has traveled abroad. Attending several tournaments, and fighting in one, he has published several works of poetry and corresponding art. He rides upon a tired horse, wearing cheap armor in his search for the next story to tell.


Leontios has little formal education. His study of storytelling and the arts was done with a small crew back in the good old days. They would travel, and learn from experts. Then they would make their art from it, styling it in their ways. Most went to different paths.


Leontios has done a lot of under-the-table jobs. With his above-average height, he worked many years as a general laborer. Now he dedicates his life to something he deems as greater.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Despite being a storyteller of good report and renown, Leontios feels as though there is something missing from his accomplishments.

Failures & Embarrassments

Unlike most in this age, Leontios does not believe in killing, no matter how justified it may be. His greatest failure was when he assaulted a bandit, and accidentally killed him.


Hobbies & Pets

Two hounds, the runts of a litter, were adopted by Leontios, and he refuses to go anywhere without them. They are, after all, his biggest fans.
Neutral Good
Current Status
Discovering new songs in a new tavern.
Dark brown
Medium, curly hair. Light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, laugh lines
Faith of the Oathmother


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