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Oaths-Blood. The Metal that never rusts.

There is an Island called Saravan, which floats in the Tir lake in the lands of the Skull Kings. This island once harbored an ancient Dragon. Although its colors are unknown, and its personality a mystery, people have empathized with it. The bones of the once mighty, though chipped and hacked upon now rest around a broken nest, guarding it till the end.   These bones are used by the Head Hunters. Carefully siphoned from the remains as respectfully as possible, they are mixed with iron and blood. The chemical change causes the new metal to never rust, or decay. Since discovering this no blade has shattered or broken. Dulling, however, still occurs with improper use.   This new metal, called Oaths-Blood due to the nature of its creation is made in a ritual. When a new generation of Hunters is ready to take their own blades, the forges are lit. The youths and their parental figures gather around the honored blacksmiths and their apprentices, bringing with them a couple of horses. The youths are the first to slit their palms, welcoming the pain needed to create, and pool it in. The adults follow suit. If there is not enough, one or both of the horses are sacrificed to make the difference.   There is an unfortunate amount of parents who lose their young and a higher amount of orphans in this line of work. Because of this, this is an open invitation rather than being a direct family affair. Before the Dragon, and before the blades an oath is taken to rid the world of all corruption. Another equally important oath is taken. One of comradery. Although, they may not be of the same bloodline, all that gather pledge to share the responsibility for one another as though they were directly related.


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Aug 11, 2024 15:04

I like that you included the rituals in the article, but I would have liked the material to be more in the foreground.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 17, 2024 02:33 by Car

Very interesting concept, to mix ancient dragon bones into a metal alloy to make the resulting blades indestructible. Since it's a finite resource, I do wonder if the people who use it have a plan for when they eventually run out, and what they do with the swords of the past Hunters, given the weapons would outlast the wielders. Wouldn't it be more economical to create an initial set of specific blades that are then passed down rather than continuing to make new ones? Either way, dragon bone/iron alloy blades IS very metal (ha)