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Oath Chains are chains, or necklaces, worn by those who swear themselves to the gods for magical abilities. They are nearly identical in design, so that people may not prematurely judge the intent of the person. However, those within the know (who have the esoteric sight), can see the three symbols upon them.


The Lord of the First. Those who swear an oath to this god make an oath to his ideals. Whether they are a stalwart defender of traditions, keeping the status quo, or seeking perfection in their specific area, Taragas is a vital god. His Symbol is a scale.  


The Lady of Giving. Those who devote themselves to her cause are those who want to give back to their communities and to help others. She is associated with healing and the home. Her Symbol is an open palm.  


Seeker of Inner Knowledge and Understanding. Those who follow his teachings see the hidden potential in others and that which is in themselves. They are on a constant search to enlighten and provoke thought. His symbol is a candle.  


Mother of Knowledge, and Magic. Those who wish to learn the secrets of magic, and the physical world may try to gain her favor. Although she does not care what they do with their gained knowledge, it is expected that they seek to unravel a mystery. Her symbol is an open book.  


Father of laughter and freedom. Those who wish to learn the experiences of the physical world to their fullest may come to this god. He only wishes that his followers spread his excitement and fervor to others that they meet. His symbol is the Inner Eye.  


The Queen of conflict, protection, and authority. Those that follow her example are also defenders of the truth and keepers of innocence. Her symbol is a closed fist.
  1. Taragas
  2. Alaphas
  3. Indovas
  4. Slaaras
  5. Chornas
  6. Stargas
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic


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