BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


This world is harsh and oftentimes cruel. There are many other gods and entities, besides The Six, and there is a fear that is involved with devoting oneself to a deity in such a way. A secret spot, hidden away from the rest of the world, is located within the Empire. A small room, unnoticed by most connects to many other small rooms, just like it. Sometimes these are in abandoned homes, and others are in secret rooms found in the temples that dot the land.   Those who are ready to swear the oaths are brought to these rooms, most often blindfolded. The rooms are empty, once they open their eyes, and a single door seems to beckon them. This is considered to be a gateway to the otherworld, the first step to finding the lands whereupon the gods reside. What very few realize is that this humble place is part of the domain of the gods. The would-be Oath-Swearer is watched, and judged from the moment the person enters the room. How soon do they arise, and how long does it take them to reach the door? Do they knock first, or boldly enter? These are all things that are taken into consideration by the silent observers.   There is no identical path to the gods which they wish to serve. Some open the door and are met by pristine walls of pure white, with crystal candles along the walls. Others are met with winding stairs, secret passages, and tests of their intellect and problem-solving abilities. On special occasions, the door is opened to reveal a much larger landscape. Some are met with mountains, and others with swamps. However, three things remain true for all who enter this door. Their destination will either be before the gods, or they will arrive back in the small room once more. Despite what they may see, it is completely controlled and safe. None will remain lost for too long, or suffer harm within the domain of the gods. Lastly, all encounter obstacles placed by the gods.   One who comes before the goddess of giving may encounter a small animal on their journey. Attempting to take care of the animal, or looking for someone who can help may win favor from the goddess. Likewise, the goddess of strength may throw a false foe at the journeyman to test the mettle of the person.   Once the tests and the journey are done, those who are accepted find themselves before the shrines of each god that they long to serve, or the gods that have taken special interest with them. It is there that they may take the Oaths, and wear the chains of their devotion.
Dimensional, Pocket


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Aug 13, 2024 12:51 by Han

I love the way this is written. It's very poetic! What hapens to those that are not accepted?

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 14, 2024 01:30 by Salmon Man

Thanks for the comment and compliment!   I feel that the individual would be left to their introspection and be permitted by the gods to attempt the trial again once they have gained more experience in the world and in serving the gods. That said, I feel like many would give up, or find 'easier' gods to serve.