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A king and his unhealthy obsession with tigers is what led to the creation of the Scorga, and the decline of the throne. Created with the sole purpose of the Scorga was to be an indoor pet, acting as a royal defence. Although tigers had been used before, they were not easily workable. After a few false attempts, the call for aid was sounded across the lands. Their genes were mixed with many docile animals during this time, such as dogs and sheep. The results were less than favorable, for none desired a fearful companion. So they were tested with Lions, Bears, and eventually even dragons. However, these proved to have the same problem that the original tigers did, being too independent to control. However, soon a wise man came, bringing with him the answer to what was searched for. The Scorga.   No one knew where the Scorga came from, or what they truly were. The head of a Tiger, with a third eye jutting from the center of its skull, watched all that gathered on that fateful day. Its body was long, and twisted almost like a snake, though several pairs of legs crawled along the ground. Its tail was like a double scorpion, poised to strike. Celebrations were had, and the wise man was rewarded well for his diligence.   But it was not the end. The Scorga, though few, became many. They grew to the size of dogs at first. Then, within a year, to the size of a smaller horse. Before long, these creatures were cast out from the courts and the palaces. With the doors to their only known home shut, they terrorized the villages, and have continued to this day.

Basic Information


The head of a tiger, the tail of a scorpion and its mate.
20 years


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