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Söran Assassins

Most evil workings are done with equally righteous intent. While others present an outward appearance of Honor, and Holiness their shallow hearts are full of naught but malice, lies, and contempt for the true good in the world.   The Söran are a family which had once devoted themselves to the gods of death, and the secret mysteries of the void. They hid their true knowledge behind a false front, acting as killers for coin. To the highest bidders they desecrated and defiled the honor of their gods, though they believed themselves to be doing their will. An impresive reputation was built among the many nobles who used them. However, their actions would not go without punishment. They flew too close to the sun, and lost themselves in the bright facade of the 'Emperor of the Sun'. All but them could see their downfall fast approaching, the signs becoming abundantly clear. Yet, it would take the family to experience the path of damnation to change them for the better. Honor was completely forsaken in the name of weath, and the teachings of their gods was drowned out in the praise of fools. Yet, by the grace of these gods the Söran would be brought to a point of change.   A night of blood, of screams and flames. Villages burned to ashes, and the ghosts of hundreds following them, biting at their horses legs. Horns were sounded as they fled the evil of their own making. Mercenaries, former allies and peasants alike met them with flame and sword, vowing to rid the world of this blight. There were those of the nobles among them, the princes who demanded the fires be set. Even those in their ancestrial homes had turned against them. At the peak of their prosperity, the Söran ignored those that they were meant to aid in favor of feasts in great halls, and banquets among the palaces. Those that they claimed to fight for starved under the injustices surrounding them.   It was through these flames, the tools of the fields made unto weapons of war. Mastery of the knights, and the masses of peasants which brought the Söran low. All that bore their symbol were put to the sword without mercy. The Söran, with nowhere else to go fled westward under the cover of darkness. They sought refuge in the lands, begging at the gates but no one answered. City after city, and castle upon castle were visited, but all turned them away. It was only in the town of Saratal that they were welcomed. Despite not knowing these refugees, or what haunted them, the Söran were fed and cared for. As a token of their gratitude, they swore to protect the Elders and the people of the land. Although the oath was not taken very seriously by the Saratal, the Söran have kept it to this day.   Some vengeance pacts were fulfilled through them, and many bandits have learnt to avoid these people, since the Söran arrived. Their greatest accomplishment was educating the people on the mysteries of the void, and revealing truths about the gods.


Unlike the Grandmothers (Grannies) in the old ways, the leaders of this matriarchal group now take a far less overbearing approach. They act akin to a figurehead, spending most of their time trying to be role models to the younger generations. That said, they still keep quiet tabs on all tha happens in their territories. Although there is generally only one, it is a title that is passed from one to another. Promotion to a Grandmother comes with the realization that the former will soon pass on.     Aunties
Those who prove themselves through several tests are made into full-fledged killers, with the other Aunties blessings. They are given the inner knowledge of the inner workings. They are also given the responsibility to take conracts. With the greatest autonomy within this organization, many of them have illegal opperations on the side to keep their funds high. The term Auntie came from the first of these killers. Because of the older age among them, the younger people naturally called them Aunties out of respect.   Sisters
The 'Sisters' are the most numerous, and are divided into two separate groups, distinguished only among themselves. All outsiders, and Aunties see them as the same, much to the annoyance of most 'Older Sisters'.   The 'Little Sisters' are the newest recruits, or those that have shown the least potential for growth. They are all united in one fact; they have never taken their first life in the name of the Sörani. As such, they are given almost lackluster, though valuable jobs in their own merits. Small deliveries, guard duties, and similar jobs are left for them. Their main responsibility is to attempt to gain attention from a senior member through hard work and compliance.   'Big Sisters' on the other end, are similar to their counterparts, though most act as if they are on a completely different level. They are new recruits, though they have spilled the blood of a contract victim. Their jobs are the dirtiest, and often the most humiliating. They are tasked with luring in targets, and eliminating any evidence leading back to them. However, they are mostly free from responsibilities, and have ample time to further try to gain favors with those above them.   Both groups will embrace these terrible jobs, in the desperate hope to show their true potential, and natural skills. However, it is to be noted that far more noticeable and efficient when two, or more, from these groups work together to complete their tasks. Teamwork is built, and these connections are very important to have, if they are to grow.


Guild, Assassins
Alternative Names
The Blood Maidens
Assassin {Auntie}


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