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The well-being of the tools of the Shadow-Blades is inexplicably important in maintaining the secrecy of their organization. Thus, those who travel to the Empire must be well-fed. There is a soup that is offered to them, made from mushrooms that are carefully grown within the capital itself. The use of spinach cabbage, and several other leafy vegetables is important. Topped with tasteless berries, the soup is an excellent source of energy. The person who drinks the soup is given the energy needed to make it to the Empire far quicker than not. Those who drink it are believed to be able to march slightly longer than they normally could, though arguably faster and without the need to stop.   It is the tasteless purple berries that truly complement this energy-boosting meal and cause it to be as effective as it is. These berries numb the throat and the mouth, leaving the person who eats this soup with a bitter aftertaste. The bitter taste and numbness work together in order to cause the consumer to not fully realize how thirsty they are. A traveler can spend upwards of five hours without feeling any symptoms of thirst, or dehydration. The soup also attacks the threat of hunger in this manner. A slight tightness of the stomach, thanks to the mushroom portion keeps the desire to stop and eat away. The soup is given before the individual must flee to save time. It is recommended to eat a proper meal before running.


The recipe for this soup has been passed down for years and perfected into what it is now. Several variations can be done by including additional ingredients.   Those who have more time can put protein into their soup. Diced lamb is commonly used for those in service to the crown, making this soup more hearty and enjoyable.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink


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