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Taionos were once the greatest threat to civilization in the known world. Like many others in the old days, they followed strange cults, which offered fame, fortune and the freedom that was missing. Those of Taionos followed the Cult of the Eternal Flame, seeking enlightenment in the fires. They spread the teachings with fervor. When the Empire was split in Civil War, those of Taionos raised their own banners of rebellion, and assaulted both sides of the conflict. Their unending devotion to the Flames would prove to be their undoing.   When the Cataclysm struck the land, and the blades of the Celestials rent the world in half, the majority of the Taionos fell to an untimely end. There was never a great many of them. During thier peak there was only a thousand members, though their unnatural ferocity in battle made up for their small numbers. By sheer luck some survived, traveling by ships further inland to strike at unsuspecting ports. These warships rocked as the ground and seas rippled, and when the mists had settled they were gone.     Now they have returned, to spread terror once more.

Naming Traditions

Family names

It is unknown if there are family names among them. They have, however, been gone long enough for their names to become irrelavent in the modern society. Some scholars, who search for answers to modern problems in the past may recognize these names, but it is pointless.


Shared customary codes and values

Those of Taionos believe themselves to be superor to all that came after them. To dishonor another of thier kind is a grievous insult, but there is no limitations to the cruelty that is placed on others.

Common Dress code

These people refuse to wear anything except thier armor. Thier armor consists of an iron helmet which hides their entire face, a belt to carry additional blades, and loose fitting pants.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Donning the Helmet
Donning the Helm has not been practiced by the Taionos for years. The tradition, in fact, has become almost obsolete. However when these people first began following the Cult, they had several sacred duties to perform. Medatating in a circle of fire, envisioning the power that they would recieve and preparing thier minds for the cull of thier foes. When the time was right, those gathered would be given helmets, newly forged, and made to wear these prematurely.   Surrounded by flames, the scent of burning flesh nausiating them, and the pain unbearable, warping thier minds, they would gaze upon a new reality. In the flames they would find peace, and through thier pain find the path to channel it to their enemies tenfold. This, and the rituals that most were unaware of created a psychic bond between them, and a stronger one between the person and those that they were envisioning destroying.


Beauty Ideals

Taionos does not have many beauty ideals which they share among themselves. Thier faces are continually hidden, and large frames are considered a sign of strength and beauty.

Gender Ideals

There is no difference between anyone, so long as they can still weild a blade.


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