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The Feast of the Chosen

Those who live outside the walls of the Empire, those who inhabit the dark woodlands and swamps do not worship The Six. Rather, their gods are many, though somewhat insignificant. They are minor, and beastial in nature compared to The Six. There is a god for everything; gods bound to every river and lake, and others within trees and stone. Their ancestors are worshipped as gods, as are the winds. Even their axes are given some respect, as though there were a little quarter god hiding in those too. Of all the gods that they serve, none is more petty than the goddess within the sun.   The sun-goddess, according to their beliefs, is vastly superior to every other god. Or so she claims. She grows increasingly jealous when they worship any other god, and so fearing her wrath the people were forced to change their practices of worship.   When the Lady leaves, and the twin moons take to the skies so too do the people emerge, carrying their relics of worship. Under the stars they begin feasting, and drinking. With every cup they toast a different god, and with every plate they honor those who watch over them. Under the setting sun, till sunrise, there is a continual dance for there is no fear of the sun-goddess and her punishments. Only when the first signs of daybreak come to they rush to their homes, and into their beds, for they cannot let the Lady know what they had done without her knowledge. Should they be caught, the sun will be unbearable for them.


The practice began after fourteen days of storms. With the sun gone, everything ground to a halt. Those who remember it claim that the Lady had withdrawn her favor after the people stopped giving her thanks and sacrifices.


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