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The Honor Guard

The Honor Guard goes by several names. The Crows Watch, the Guardians of the Pit. They are designated priests who were taught from a young age, taken from the most pious of temples, and introduced to a truth that few can bare. No one truly knows what this truth is, whether it be a forgotten and malevolent deity, or a fiendish creature masquerading as a divine. All that matters is that there is a creature of pure evil, whose true potential is unknown, bound within a grove. The Honor Guard must secure it's isolation from the rest of the world, lest it fall in a tide of madness.
  The Honor Guard are seen wearing armor which takes the appearance of crows, with metallic feathers jutting out from their shoulders, and along their backs. This, surprisingly, keeps the creature at bay, for it fears the judgmental eyes of the birds which fly overhead.



There are three distinct groups which guard over the creature. The first are the six active Honor Guard, which guard the creature closely at all times. However, there are currently twenty three additional 'off-duty' guards. These are brought back to local, specialized temples, where they are examined and realigning themselves with the truth that they grew with. The whispers of this creature is blasphemous, and appeals to the desires of the unwary. These extras also patrol the outside of the grove before being reassigned to relieve their companions.


A plethora of religious symbology is kept on the persons of the Honor Guard, and many bring holy books allowing for them to pass the time easier. Reading these words aloud for hours comes at a risk, for the creature preys on the mentally weary, and can twist the words and their meaning to it's own purposes.
  The Honor Guard have specially crafted suits of expensive blackened plate armor. These are designed to give a crow like appearance.


These guards carry a longbow, a set of javelins, a spear, and a curved sword. The reason behind the excessive amount of weaponry, is that none truly know the nature of what they're guarding against.



There is an initial price of four and a half thousand gold for each member to receive their armor, and the additional equipment needed to guard over this creature. This number, though hefty, allows for a degree of gate keeping, warding away those that are not fully willing to dedicate their lives to the cause. Extensive plans for repayment are offered to all that accept. It must also be said that due to the steady stream of hired mercenaries, glory chasers, and unwary adventurers, the amount of loot can pay for their armor and equipment within the first couple years, and acts as a partial payment to help with their salary.


It is the fanatic that is taken from deep within the most pious religious organizations, and tested for any fault or wavering in their belief. Those that show no disloyalty, and a zealousness towards martyrdom are recruited.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 11, 2024 14:19 by Marjorie Ariel

The way this entity can get into one's head and corrupt people through their own religious texts reminds me of Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy. I can see why they recruit religious zealots!