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The Incurable.

The Rebellion founded by Galax was small, and almost insignificant at first. However, this lack of concern proved to be fatal for the Council. Unexpectedly, Galax had managed to spread a great deal of misinformation in a remarkably short amount of time. Carefully guarded secrets that could prove the end of the Council were revealed, though they were hidden within lies and misdirections.   In response to the slippery nature of Galax, a letter was sent to the city he was hiding in. The city was informed that it was fated to fall, and only through meeting the Council's demands would the city be saved. Their warning was met with scorn, however. Refusing to acknowledge the demands of the Council, the people brought out their banners, with inverted colors. Secrets that were kept safe and hidden were inked onto the foreheads of the rebellion. It was only then that the Council saw the potential of their threat. As a wildfire or a weed, they would have to be eradicated.   In order to stop the threat of their hidden knowledge spreading, it was deemed that the entire city was to be purged. Plague-bearing leeches and worms were set into the water supplies and dropped in the surrounding forestry. Several plagues were unleashed through them at the same time, spreading quickly among the people and the animals. The Council never could have imagined that they would combine into a massive plague, which threatened to destroy all life in that region.

Transmission & Vectors

The sickness is caught through drinking contaminated water, consuming the meat of an infected animal, or being bitten by plague-carrying leeches.


Several bacteria affect the body at once. Individual sicknesses, while sometimes lethal, are survivable. With several, the odds of living past it are slim to none.


Fevers, boils, delirium, cold sweats. A cough that never relents, a lack of taste. Eventually, blindness takes hold, and deafness.


There is no treatment for the sickness.


There is no protection if it enters the bloodstream, or is swallowed. However, it has been contained as a surrounding ring has been set aflame, eliminating the chance for it to spread. There are also magic users, who specialize in healing, and protecting who survey the nearby villages for any spread.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital


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