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The Signet

The lands of the Skull Kings are precarious at best. This, alongside many other more mundane reasons, is why those who live among these people are known for wearing rings as identification. Each ring is designed with words, or symbols carefully engraved upon it. These words offer threats to those who would harm the person wearing the rings. Whether or not there is magic involved, or oaths-blood, is unknown.   The amount of rings denotes a person's importance. The more rings, the more responsibility that the person has. A well-liked Champion, who has overestimated her limits, may bear seven rings on her fingers. In her extreme case, she wears the ring of her king. She also wears the ring of her mercenary company, a ring that binds her to protect her homeland, and a ring to signify her relationship status. All other rings are to denote a quest that she has undergone.   Most only wear a couple of rings at a time. The average person wears two once they finally reach adulthood. The first is to their king. The second is to their spouse. Some wear a third, honoring an ancestor. Those in poverty are often seen without rings. Rather, they go bearing a cloth band, signifying their allegiance to a king.   A ring cannot be removed, except for cleansing of the hands. Should one of these rings be of no more use; an oath failed or a king forsake them, the entire finger is severed, and given to the offended party as a token. The offended party may, in some cases, accept the ring without the finger. A failed quest rarely costs that much to the adventurer.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Each finger holds a significant symbolism, and there are many non-enforced rules over what rings are supposed to be on which finger.   Middle; Dominant Hand.
The Ring of the King, the Middle Finger of the Dominant Hand is the utmost finger of strength and power.   Middle; Constant Hand.
The Ring of the Ancestor. This finger is meant to be used, only for rings which represent the ancestor god that they serve. Other gods are not included in the hands.   Index; Dominant Hand.
The Ring of Your Kin. This can be interpreted as the homeland, country, or wherever one finds their true family.   Index; Constant Hand.
The Ring of Your Love. This is where your ring which symbolizes your relationship status is meant to go, for while they are important, they are not as important as the previous three.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory


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