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The Silent Prayer

Prayers are commonly performed at one of the many shrines, where the written words and offerings of fruit and flowers are offered to one of the many gods. There are many, however, who do not have the opportunity to go to the shrines to petition the gods, especially those that are in desperate need of the Lady of Hope, whose prayers are oft given during the times that they truly need her. Partially due to these prayers often being directly in opposition to the other gods and partially to protect the honor of the person petitioning, the Silent Prayer was created.   Those whom pray unto the Lady of Hope and Mercy in this way often fall into a deep dream like trance, where their mind is caught within a heavy haze. Those which watch a person closely which has entered the haze sees a body moving on it's own, following the muscle memory. However, the individuals sightless eyes are hollow, and the mouth remains ajar, moving slightly on it's own. Words of what is believed to be a celestial tongue is uttered in mumbles, but it is difficult to fully know what is being said.   Meanwhile their spirit, after traversing the hazy mists is found within a large middle chamber, where an avatar oft their goddess sits upon her throne. They speak freely, and openly to the Lady, confessing all secrets and fears concerning what it is they are petitioning about. Several other, far lesser deities, are able to do a similar effect, though it is only for a short time, and their secrets are seldom safe.


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