BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Six, who have become Three, who have become One.

Six gods govern over the Empire willingly, seeking ways to improve the lives of their followers. However, there is a semi-heretical belief that these gods were also divided when the world was sundered. The end of the world, according to this belief, is when the six gods become three, merging with their counterparts and equals until they take their perfected, eldritch form.   Taragas and Stargas will become an eldritch being that brings forth a false peace. Destruction, conflict, and any opinions or thoughts that are not deemed worthy are removed. This being will descend upon the world and have all dignitaries put to death. When all people become equals, it will fulfill its purpose.   Alaphas and Indovas will become a being of strange and heavily enforced necessity. All that has been given by the gods will be demanded to be repaid with interest. From the healing, sickness will rise and crops will wither. Severe drought will wrack the lands, and all shall suffer while this being grows fat on their despair.   Slaaras and Chornas are the last, though the greatest threat of all. Esoteric knowledge will be given freely, and hedonism will become rampant as they merge. In the wake of all these dark tidings, there will be silence. No joy, peace, or love will be found among the people, once all have felt everything that can be felt and understood. Once this fully merges together, it will spell the end of all things.   These three beings will strike the old once more, such as the world was when magic was taken away. This time, the land will be shattered with pure eldritch energy. The land, unhospitable, will be stalked upon by these 'gods'. Only after these have devoured all the other gods, and the peoples will they turn on one another. The world will end, the sun consumed, and a single dark entity will be left, in nothing but the darkness it brought on itself.


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Aug 21, 2024 17:22 by Stormbril

This is such an evocative title that really caught my eye, and I'm glad it did. The whole combining of gods into "perfect forms" is really well done -- I really love how each pairing is something entirely unique, a mixture of things that you would think are good, but are taken to their extreme in order to become world ending. I'd love to see more about the separate six gods too, even just in tooltip form, to see how their base personalities and tenets would mix in order to create their combined forms.     I'm adding this to my reading challenge as well!

Aug 22, 2024 01:59 by Salmon Man

Thank you for the comment and compliments!

Sep 1, 2024 02:47 by Ivory Garcia

Very cool idea with your gods and this myth you have constructed. Favourite line: "The world will end, the sun consumed, and a single dark entity will be left, in nothing but the darkness it brought on itself." Chilling!

Sep 3, 2024 12:44 by Salmon Man

Thank you! :)