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The Spirit of Vengeance

(a.k.a. The Spirit of Vengeance)

Thou hast summoned me...
  Strange essence passes over highways, along fields, and into the windows of the unprepared. Its nature is one of cruelty, abounding in every waking nightmare. From beyond the veil it gazes upon the very essence of tyrants. The harbingers usher it ever closer. A boogeyman to the rich, and a desolation upon the arrogant. Liars are shows it's truth as it stands before them in the dead of night, and cheaters have no chance of escaping its wrath. All that are deemed unworthy are left standing alone when the time of vengeance comes.     The Spirit of Vengeance is a strange being indeed. It is bound by an obsessive need for vengeance, possessing hollow suits of armor, or turning weapons against their wielders in his wrath. It is unable to possess flesh and blood, which has diminished much, but not all, of it's power.

Divine Domains



The Circle
A circle composed of the skulls of victims of unjust deaths, carved with runic power. These are set up as a ward, forbidding this deity from taking a physical form again. Only when these are disturbed, it may return.   The Eye
The left eye of this spirit was lost during the first exile from these lands. Because of the disconnection between the realms, the Eye took a form of sentience. Although it can be still used for sight, it moves and acts on its own, like a proxy.

Holy Books & Codes

There are no holy books, nor official codes of conduct. The 'followers' of this deity are reliant on their own personal codes, and understandings of how things should be. As such they are looked down upon by the more ordained and lawful of religions and many of them falsely claim that these are only self serving. This is not true, for when many call against a tyrant, their god answers.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Divine Goal of this deity has always been to remove the evil from the face of the world, and secure a place for the inhabitatnts to live peacefully and in prosperity.   However, the way which it tried to enforce this in the old days caused more evil than it was able to remove, and the reprocussions are still felt today.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The fortunes, and the princes of the heavens are found within the void, and have been able to enter the physical realm.
  The Spirit of Vengeance once had a name, though it would be removed from it and discarded, stripping much of it's power. It too traveled through the Void, and into the realms of man. Largely due to it's innate destructive nature, and the potential that others saw in it, the Spirit of Vengeance would be ultimately manipulated by those which made their homes in the shadows and the unseen places. Seeing the world through their eyes, the Vengeance walked through several villages, shrines, leaving devastation in its wake. Seeing this, its Sister, the Mother of Hope petitioned their Elder Brother to have it chained deep within a mountain, in the hope that it would realize the folly of its own beliefs. After many tears, he agreed, and the Spirit of Vengeance was taken prisoner.
  For a time, it was thought to work, and it's chains were loosed on the condition that it would never step into the mortal realms again. Although it agreed, the rage which pulled at its heart was too much to bear. Rather than returning, it would possess promising mortals, and push them deep into its own dark desires, spreading its will wide. Mighty warlords arose, and marched legions upon the unworthy. This soon drew the ire of its Brother God, who was the master of War, and the patron of Tyrants. The flame which spread through the lands of Tyrants drew the Gods attention, and in battle sent an avatar of itself to wage war against the possessed mortal and it's armies.
  Thousands suffered needlessly.
  In the wake of this, a large ritual was conducted. The bones of the innocent, the skulls of the damned were set up to ward this creature away. Beyond the Void, the Spirit of Vengeance had it's true name taken, and was returned to it's confinement. Now it can only watch, and observe. Or so it claims. In truth, it still regains the ability to enter this world, though it can no longer possess a living creature. Now it appears within inanimate objects, brought through with far greater effort, and the long and taxing rituals and prayers of its few followers. It is painfully difficult to appear, and only enters a host under the most necessary or coveted of situations, having only a short time before returning to its captivity.


Contacts & Relations

The Sister, or the Lady of Light, shared a lot of positive feelings toward her sibling, but the wanton destruction that was done in the name of 'justice' severed their relationship until it was irreparable.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
[formerly] Iron Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
[formerly] Brown
[formerly] 6'


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