

The fomori are created when a Bane possesses a human or an animal via a spiritual "hole" left by some form of sin or spiritual corruption. The Bane will slowly gain more and more influence, until they are completely fused with the host and cannot be separated. Fomori powers vary wildly, but are usually based strongly on the type of possessing Bane and/or their method of creation. For example, a typical Bane of Lust will result in a type of fomor known as an Enticer.   Fomori may have some connection to Fomorian . However, the most common (although hardly the only) method of Bane infection is via Pentex; either through employment or usage of its omnipresent products, an unwitting individual can open themselves to possession. Their Gaian counterparts are called Kami, while the Weaver ones are called Drones and those of the Wyld are Gorgons.  

Types of Fomori

An unusually potent fomori is referred to as a Fomarch , while an unusually twisted fomori is referred to as a fomorach. There are also special breed of fomori, here are some examples:  
  • Aughisky , Bane-infected horses once used by Black Spiral Dancers
  • Bloodworm , the result of a Thirster Bane infecting a vampire
  1. Entice , polymorphic seducers empowered by Banes of Lust

Scientific Name
impatiens erat daemonium

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