Age of Firearms in Cindaros | World Anvil

Age of Firearms

While the concept of gunpowder and its explosive ability have been around for nearly a millenia on Cindaros, the advent of firearms did not occur until 50 years ago. In that short span of time, firearms have gone from minor oddity to changing the face of warfare around the world. Cannons now dot every major ship and soldiers are trading in crossbows for muskets and pistols. Countries have begun to invest heavy amounts of resources into gunsmiths and production areas able to meet the demands of outfitting entire armies. Such notable craftsman as Winston Bael or Sheak Ul-Amair have become household names in their countries for the marvels of their craft.   There are two accepted catagories of firearms within Cindaros:
  • Mass Produced Models (MPM's): Designed to be standardized for a country and cheaper to produce, MPM's come as either Pistols or Muskets. A team of 5 worksers can produce 10 MPM's in a day provided sufficient material and workspace and due to their standardized design anyone trained in their use can pick up any single one and use them effectively. Repairs and cleaning are also easy to perform and teach, allowing widespread knowledge throughout a military. The only true downside to MPM's is their lack of uniqueness.
  • Artisan Works (AW's): Each a unique work of art, AW's are meant for a personalized touch and experience. Only the best gunsmith's attempt to tinker with the standard design of firearms to create something better. Created to serve a single individual, each one is considered a masterwork weapon. The resource cost and time it takes to construct an AW varies wildly, from the simple addition of a second barrel to the changing of the weight and balance. Yet in this complexity there are additional effects and abilities that can make
  While each country has some minor variations on the cost and design of mass production firearms, all MPM's follow the same design principle and any character proficient in firearms only needs 1 full round action to understand their use. Should a character pick up an AW, they must spend 1 hour with the firearm in order to understand the complexity and unique features of the weapon.  

Mass Produced Firearms

On the table below are all the commonly mass produced firearms that exist in Cindaros. This list also includes any special explosives. Some countries (such as Illystar and Primus) have special version of certain firearms based off their production and will have that information in the profile.  
One Handed Ranged Weapon (Short) Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Increment Weight Damage Type
Pistol (Palm) 140 gp 1d4 1d6 X3 35 ft. 1 lb. Piercing
Pistol (Full) 220 gp 1d8 1d10 X3 50 ft. 3 lb. Piercing
Blunderbuss 375 gp 2d8 2d10 X3 45 ft. 7 lb. Piercing, Scatter
Bomb (Explosive) 110 gp 2d6 2d6 None, 5 ft. Radius 10 ft. 1 lb. Fire, Detonation
Bomb (Smoke) 70 gp Smoke Smoke None, 20ft radius 10 ft. 1 lb. Detonation
Two Handed Ranged Weapon (Long) Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Increment Weight Damage Type
Musket 420 gp 1d10 1d12 X3 150 ft. 10 lb. Piercing, Extended Load
Musket (Long) 650 gp 2d8 2d10 X3 200 ft. 14 lb. Piercing, Extended Load
Scatter: Weapons with the scatter damage type can be loaded with multiple rounds or a single large round. If loaded with multiple rounds the range increment becomes a 20ft cone and all creatures in the cone must make a DC 15 Reflex save, taking the full damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.
Detonate: Weapons with the detonate damage type have a variable time on which they can go off. Standardly, all bombs have 4 rounds before they explode. However, as a free action you may shorten the fuse to decrease the rounds before explosion (to a minimum of 1 round).
Extended Load: Due to the size of this weapon and its unwieldy nature, this weapon requires 1 additional full round action to reload.  

Artisan Works Firearms

After a gunsmith has mastered the basics of firearm creation, they can begin to move onto custom creations. Artisan Works firearms all have a minimum starting DC of 20 and increase in difficulty depending on the modifications being added to them. Each AW is a unique work of art designed to display areas of a gunsmith's mastery. Whether it is a pistol with 4 or more barrels, a long musket designed to fire larger ammunition, or some other effect, each one stands as a one of a kind creation and its cost represents that. All Artisan Works firearms that exceed DC 30 are considered master crafted works and gain the +1 bonus associated with that.   The table below provides information, cost, and DC additions of each upgrade. If you wish to create an upgrade with a unique additional effect consult with the DM about what this would be in nature and a cost/DC can be assigned to it.  
Customization Cost DC Increase Effect
Additional Barrel (Short)* +60 gp +3 DC Whether adding an additional barrel to a pistol or placing a small barrel underneath a musket, this upgrade allows an additional shot from the firearm.
Customized Grip +50 GP +2 DC You tailor the grip for more effective use in combat. You may draw this weapon as a free action.
Rifled Barrel** +150 gp +7 DC You further augment the barrel to increase accuracy. Your critical range becomes 18-20/X3.
Mid-Loading Chamber (Long) +100 gp +5 DC You modify your barrel with a small loading chamber for easier loading. You decrease the loading time of a musket/long musket to 1 standard action.
Under-slung Weapon Blade type +35 gp +5 DC You attach the blade of a dagger, sword, or other edged weapon to your firearm/ conversely you fashion a pistol or musket out of the shaft of an appropriate weapon.
Long Distance Scope +150 gp +2 DC You attach a series of lenses in a cylinder to your weapon, allow you to see and fire further. Increase your range increment by 1/2
Widened Barrel** +75 gp +4 DC You expand the barrel to fire wider ammunition or gain the scatter damage type.
Extended Barrel +200 gp +6 DC You further extend and enhance the barrel for longer range, doubling the range increment.
Water-proofing +50 gp +2 DC You better insulate your firearm against water and the elements. Your firearm still works while wet.
* Can be taken multiple times. Cannot be applied to a musket or long musket.
** These two upgrades cannot be taken together. A barrel cannot be bother wider and rifled.  
Common Artisan Works
The following are the most common Artisan Works seen around Cindaros, whether sold in specialty shops or in the hands of gunslingers. Some city shops or special towns might also carry some of these common variations in their inventory.  
Common Artisan Works Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Increment Weight Damage Type
Gentleman's Pistol 240 gp 1d4 1d6 X3 35 ft. 1 1/2 lb. Piercing, 2 shot, Customized Grip
Pepperbox 460 gp 1d8 1d10 X3 50 ft 5 lb. Piercing, 4 shot
Axe-Slinger 355 gp 1d8 1d10 x3 50 ft 7 lb. Piercing, Scatter, Battleaxe Damage: 1d6-1d8 /x3 Slashing
Hunter's Choice 770 gp 1d10 1d12 18-20/X3 225 ft. 10 lb. Piercing, Water Proof
Ship Clearer 605 gp 2d8 2d10 X3 45 ft. 10 lb. Piercing, Scatter, 3 shot, Water Proof
Bad News 1250 gp 2d8 2d10 18-20/X3 500 ft. 16 lb. Piercing, Mid-Loading
Gentman's Pistol: A common palm pistol among nobles and merchants, this double barrel pistol is designed for quick access but is small enough to be concealed.
Pepperbox: The starting pistol for many a gunslinger. Starting at 4 barrels, some variations might have up to 20 barrels or more.
Axe-Slinger: A favorite among the Stoneguard of Thorandis, this Battleaxe has been fitted with a pistol built into its handle with a custom trigger at the base. Allowing a Stoneguard to fire at an enemy at range before engaging in close combat.
Hunter's Choice: First popularized for game hunting, this musket has also been called the Assassin's Choice as it is accurate enough to hit a target at range but light enough for easy transport.
Ship Clearer: Designed by the Seamaster's Guild of Eyphia for boarding action, the 3 barrel blunderbuss is jammed full of everything possible to create a wide spread cone of destruction. Great for clearing a deck in a quick pass.
Bad News: An extremely powerful Long Musket able to destroy any target at a range most weapons cannot even begin to reach (longest possible of 5000 ft with a -18 attack penalty).
Firearm Proficiency
Firearm's proficiency is divided into two catagories: Short Firearms and Long Firearms. Short Firearms encompasses pistols, pepperboxes, bombs, palm pistols, and any other single hand weapons. Long Firearms applies to firearms that require two hands or have the heavy property. Any character or NPC who has proficiency with martial weapons will also have proficiency with both firearms types. In addition, if a character comes from a noble background or has lived within a major city, they could have proficiency in either short or long firearms depending on discussion with the DM. For the purposes of game mechanics and feats, Firearms in Cindaros are considered martial weapons.  
Gunpowder and Bullets
All MPM weapons have a single shot capacity where as AW can have multiple shots depending on the design. Regardless of whether a weapon is an MPM or an AW, all firearms require 1 full round action to reload. Reloading a firearm requires 1 ounce of gunpowder, 1 bullet, and 1 spare piece of cotton or silk to act as wad. Some cities/countries may have restrictions on the amount of gunpowder they will sell to a character or group, but any town over 2,000 population will have a place to purchase gunpowder. Several unique types of non-magical ammunition exist and have made their way into circulation and have seen regular use in battles.  
Gunpowder Size Cost (Average) Weight
Small Powder Horn 17 gp 1 lb.
Large Powder Horn 35 gp 2 lb.
Cask 250 gp 20 lb.
Keg* 500 gp 50 lb
*Kegs are only available in cities or metropolis.  
Bullets Cost (Average)
Lead Round 3 gp (10 rounds)
Flechette Round 10 gp (1 round)
Adamantium Round 150 gp (1 round)
Explosive Round 85 gp (3 rounds)
Lead Round: Standard round, a full 10 round bag weighs 2 pounds.
Flechette Round: A long thin rod designed to be fired from either a pistol or musket. Subtract half from your range increment but a target hit by a flechette round is impaled and takes 1d4 damage each round the rod remains in them.
Adamantium Round: Made from solid adamantium, this round packs a harder punch. Increase critical of weapon to X4.
Explosive Round: Hollowed out lead filled with gunpowder and resealed, a target hit by an explosive round takes an additional 1d6 fire damage.


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