Alteras, The Realm Ascendant Geographic Location in Cindaros | World Anvil

Alteras, The Realm Ascendant

Sitting atop the highest height of the Great Tree, basked within its myriad of multi-colored leaves exists a realm of pure divinity. It is from here that such beings as Horouden and Olivious rule, watching from the heights upon the many realms below. Alteras is the realm of the Sacred Seven, acting as: garrison, council chamber, and domain of good. It is said that few mortals have ever stepped onto Alteras and fewer still have been allowed to leave. The greatest heroes of the realms are drawn here, trained further by angels to prepare for a great war to come. It is the realm ascendant that is the birthplace of all angels and many of the good aligned beings.  

Realm Spotlight

Alteras is a small realm, no more than a continent in size and disk shaped. Sitting at the center is the Palace of Light and the Chambers of the Seven. These two buildings face one another, acting as the two axis upon which the realm spins upon. Outside of this grand court exists the garden of Olivious, her masterfully tended expanse of multi-colored plants drawn from across the realms. At seven points along the realm's exist fortress' that watch and protect the realm from external threats.   Gravity, air, and movement all happen as normally would upon the material plane though the great lord of Alteras, Horouden; may change any of these factors as he wishes. Many orderly roads exist upon the plane and traveling the roads allows one to reach their destination within an hour. From the few who have seen Alteras, they have basked upon a land of perfect order and harmony. Buildings and structures exist in perfect balance with bountiful plants. What divine animals (such as Pegasus) exist upon the realm are sentient and the hunting of any is strictly forbidden.  

Palace of Light

The Palace of Light is the throne area of the great god Horouden, Lord of the Sacred Seven. The palace itself seems made of solid light, nearly golden in hue. It is said to house seven chambers, each with seven rooms and at their center is the mighty throne upon which Horouden sits to look upon the realms he guards. Few know what any of the chambers are dedicated to nor what each room within them might house. It is believed that many of the sacred artifacts of Horouden, along with blessed gold and other great treasures exist within one of these chambers, yet none have dared to rob the master of order.  

Chambers of the Seven

Across from the Palace of Light exists a massive circular dome supported by seven multi-colored columns. Within the chamber one can find seven chairs, each bearing a symbol to their god and adorned with poems and legends of their works. The chamber acts as the meeting place for the Sacred Seven deities, the good aligned deities who act to protect and guide the realms below.  

Great Fortress of the Archangels

In addition to the twenty one solar divided among the Sacred Seven, there exist three additional Solar who were created through the combined power of the deities. These three greater Solar are known as the Archangel's and they exist as the greatest champions of good possible. Rarely seen, each of the archangels commands a host of angelic forces upon which they may call. Their singular directive is to wage infinite battle against demons and devils. Their great fortress exists to the north of the central space. Three gleaming towers are surrounded by dozens of lesser garrisons and fortifications in a city complex of pure might. From here, the three archangels dispatch forces and moniter the borders between realms for devil and demon incursions. The three archangels each possess a name and some unique powers:
  • Raziel, the Sword Incarnate: Wielder of the Sword of Light, Raziel is known as the Angel of Divine War. The principle warrior among the three, he commands from the front of his mighty host. Few beings have stood in his path and survived, describing him as a whirling stream of blades. Even his eight wings appear to be made of blades.
  • Uziel, the Word Incarnate: Holder of the Sacred Text upon which all Books of Exalted Deeds are based, Uziel is the master strategist for the three. From within his tower fortress, he watches enemy battles. He records all of their flaws and weaknesses, detailing each and every mistake to which he can exploit later. His eight wings appear to be made of parchment, with thousands of words inscribed upon them.
  • Baziel, the Voice Incarnate: Speaker of the Divine Voice, inspiration for all heroic tales, Baziel commands from the middle of his legions; inspiring his allies and frightening his enemies. His muse angels move at his direction, spreading words of joy and confort that heal wounds and cure afflictions. His eight wings appear made of force, glowing with chorus chants of voices and hymms of past heroic deeds.

The Seven Bastions

At each of the seven ends of Alteras exists seven bastions. Commanded by one of the three solar belonging to one of the Sacred Seven, each bastion acts to guard Alteras from forces of evil and to provide a launching point for angels and divine heroes to other realms. Portals to Alteras open within one of these seven bastions. While the exterior of each bastion are identical, the interiors are designed to reflect the deity whose solar exists within them.  

Wellspring of Angels

All angels, regardless of deity; are born upon Alteras. The wellspring is able to birth forth planetar and deva angels regularly, replacing losses faced in conflicts and during missions. Only a deity may bring forth a solar and it takes the combined effort of all the Sacred Seven to birth forth an archangel. An angels name is determined at birth and inscribed upon their weapon. Their names often denote an aspect of a deities power and the magnitude of their abilities. A deva might by an angel of righteous battle where as a powerful planetar would simply be an angel of battle. The Wellspring location is the only non fixed object on all of Alteras, rotating above the plane and spawning angels forth where it is needed most.  

Traveling to Alteras

Any creature who attempts to open a portal from the material plane to Alteras fails immediately and loses the use of the Plane Shift/Gate spell for 1d4 days. To reach the realm, one must enter another of the higher planes (such as Ysgard or Elysias). From here they must travel to the home of a Sacred Seven and cast the spell from this location, opening a portal directly into the bastion.
The Seven Bastions Detailed
Each of the seven bastions upon Alteras is the size of a city and teeming with angels, divine heroes, and other creations of a particular deity. As each bastion is dedicated to a specific deity, the bastion itself is ruled by a solar created from that deities essence (one of their three solars). From this bastion, each Solar might target a specific evil or prevent a specific threat to Alteras. The bastions are as follows:
  • Bastion Horoudis: Ruled by Ytheriel, the Angel of Judgement. The bastion interior is full of neatly organized defense halls and gleaming adamantium bulwarks.
  • Bastion Olivis: Ruled by Rumerial, the Angel of Growth. The bastion interior is a massive garden filled with trees large enough for houses and rooms.
  • Bastion Kyris: Ruled by Tamisiel, Angel of Justice. The bastion interior is that of a training hall, filled with golden training golems and infinitely moving targets.
  • Bastion Entis: Ruled by Enfiriel, Angel of Wind. The bastion interior is a massive sea with dozens of ships upon it, each armed and armored with hosts of weapons.
  • Bastion Istis: Ruled by Romeriel, Angel of Paths. The bastion interior is an infinite hall of mirriors with hundreds of pit falls and other traps laden throughout.
  • Bastion Gyris: Ruled by Quinseriel, Angel of Knowledge. The bastion is a massive library where adamantium books move and guard those within.
  • Bastion Velis: Ruled by Hoseriel, Angel of Fate. The bastion interior is blank with echoing sounds and floating strings of gold that trap individuals in their fate.


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