Elysias, Realm of Infinite Heavens in Cindaros | World Anvil

Elysias, Realm of Infinite Heavens

From the most common among people to the highest of nobles, all wish for a sense of peace when they finally pass on. Elysias is the peace that many seek. The Realm of Infinite Heavens is a place created by the gods for those souls to finally rest their burdens away and bring their guard down completely. Heroes done fighting on Ysgard might finally embrace the peace of Elysias, just as the abjurative wizard might finally let their mighty spellworks be done. The realm exists not only for the good, but for the neutral as well. Only evil is not permitted here and even the thought of performing evil becomes difficult when all of ones desires are manifested instantly. Three of the Sacred Seven make their homes within the infinite landscape of Elysias, walking among the mortals and acting to ease their burdens. As well, angels often build retreats and monasteries for serene contemplation here. Serenity abounds within the Infinite Heavens and all is at peace for those who dwell here.   When a soul enters here, it feels the waves of peace from the very ground and breaths in relaxation in the air. Should it have any questions, it may ask them to the air around it. Whether an angel will appear to answer or the answer be made physical, the meaning of the place becomes clear to all who enter here. For most that come, they find an overwhelming sense of relief filling them; whisking away the concerns they may have had in their last moments. For those few who may still feel vestiges of pain or deep loss, comfort comes in many forms and even their burdens lessen over time.  

Realm Spotlight

Upon entering here, one will find that things like gravity, air, and basic survival needs appear to act as normal. However, none of these are required concepts to anyone present. One can fly simply by wishing to do so, food and drink appears with a simple request, and one can spend hours within the ruby ocean or atop the glittering moon; never needing to take a single breath. The true power of this realm is its ability to fulfill desire. Wish to finally live the life of luxury on a cliffside chateau, simply speak the desire and one shall be made; staffed with spectral servants and filled with the finest of life. Wish to visit all of your ancestors, simply speak their names and you shall be transported to them in an instant.   There is only one true rule for life within Elysias: no violance shall take place. It is impossible to manifest a weapon, cast a combat spell, or enact any form of violence upon the Infinite Heavens. Even if a weapon is somehow brought onto the plane, or one is requested for a sense of practice, it passes harmlessly through anyone it touches and bounces effortlessly off any structure or object. In addition to this moritorium on violence, there is no suffering here. Any wounds sustained are instantly healed and all individuals feel as if they have received a long rest with all of its benefits. Illness fades and lost limbs are regrown, fractured souls are healed, and concerns are washed away. Those few living beings who travel here often feel a sense of loss when they leave, having known true peace and tranquility while in Elysias.  

The Great Cycle

Death is not the end. Whether they follow a particular faith or not, whether they devote to a specific ideal or choose simply to live a good life; all people learn this upon coming to Elysias. Their burdens seperated and their joys now boundless, they are free to do as they please for as long as they please. Some individuals may spend millenia basking on the diamond beaches or luxurating in Quarin's Tavern (in the Grand City of Hope). Others may only wish for a few years of true freedom and relaxation. Regardless of the reason or the duration, everyone eventually becomes tired of eternity at some time or another.   Those wishing to end the relaxation learn a new lesson, death is not the end of life. Any person on Elysias may choose to walk to the base of the Grand Mountain. Here they will find a door carved perfectly into the rock. Passing through this door a soul is stripped of its experiences, its memories, and any attachments it may hold. The soul is reordered to join the great stream of souls bound for the world of Cindaros, where it will be born and live life once again. Once a soul makes the choice to join the Great Cycle, this choice cannot be unmade nor can they choose to retain anything of their former life. Should a soul carry some ancient knowledge or great secret, once they pass through the Great Cycle; that secret is lost forever to them and no magic (not even the gods) can undo that.  

The Grand City of Hope

Even in such a great place as Elysias, the desire for community and connection can still remain. For those who wish it, they may find many people walking among and enjoying time within the Grand City of Hope. The singular city on the entire plane, the Grand City is a hub for all manner of things. Spectral figures provide shops and market stalls filled with free food and trinkets. Angellic performers and spirit acrobats perform in dozens of theaters and high above the streets. One can even establish residence within the city, whether by selecting a fantastical mansion on a block or simply wishing for a location of their own design.   The Grand City of Hope also acts as a meeting grounds for those wishing a truly fair and non-violent exchange. Rival thief organizations may come here to settle territory disputes or discuss truces and business deals. Planar travelers who visit the city often come for a vacation or as the ultimate form of sanctuary. As long as one stays under the radar and does not reveal they are still living, a person can spend years within the city while the recouperate or plan their next moves. A few famous outlaws have even bartered permanant residence in the Grand City, using it as a base of operations between marvelous exploits.  

Traveling to Elysias

The simple answer to traveling to Elysias is to lead a good life. Few mortals are allowed upon the realm as not to disturb or pollute the landscape of heaven, nor disturb those who have earned their rightful rest. Tuning forks can be optained to travel to Elysias and travel itself is possible through gates or plane shift spells. But one must tread carefully should they enter here, for the gods will banish any who disturb the rest of the dead. And low be to the person attempting to remove a soul from Elysias.
The Palace of Redemption
With a set of high rise mountains somewhere north of the entrance to Elysias sits the only imposing structure on the entire realm. While called the Palace of Redemption, it is stylized more like a brutal fortress, sharp outcroppings of rock meat dense metal spikes to further amplify the wall. Many wonder why someone would want such a fierce looking fortress on such a bountiful plane. For its master, the Palace of Redemption is a reminder to all that sometimes the road to heaven requires a little pain. Istarla fashioned the palace as a conduit to reach all the souls in the 12 Realms. From the spiked walls to the high towers, all are designed to reach out and touch each soul. While Istarla remains within the fortress she can sense the actions of each soul and feel which ones desire a chance to redeem, to chance from their previous paths and grow upon a new one.  
The Seamaster's Galleon
Situated deep in the Ruby Ocean sits a Galleon a thousand times larger than any ship on Cindaros. Gilded in presentation and bearing 4 masts filled with clouds, the Seamaster's Galleon would be the crown jewel of any fleet. For the god of sea and sky, it is the means to travel anywhere and combat any threat. At Entesh's command, the ship may move from plane to plane, rippling through the oceans of any realm to arrive bristling with arms to bear and angellic soldiers to fight. At the helm rests ever ready the Solar Unterial (Angel of Sight), always ready to find the safest path and see the next threat.   When not out in the multiversal seas, the Seamaster's Galleon is the toast of sailors parties and luxury. Entesh will invite grizzled captains and humble bosans alike aboard his craft, asking them all manner of questions of their lives and delighting in their stories upon his oceans. Many a sailor has volunteered to ride the tides of realms with him, offers that he must refuse too often at his own lament. Yet, even for these people he can provide a sense of adventure in the great realm of Elysias.  
Humble Home
Nestled among sweet smelling trees and vibrant flowers sits the smallest estate any god would have. A simple single roomed, moss covered dome of a shack, the Humbled Home is Gyrian's personal godly place. Some might believe that it would be more grand on the inside or that this is simply the image he presents to others while his real home resides elsewhere. However, Gyrian will attest this is all he will ever need, a place to lay his head from the rain and a fire to cook his meals around. None of import exists here and it is open to all who come through the forest.   Many an individual, lost in the depths of their first eternity often find themselves at the Humble Home front door. On any of these occasions, Gyrian will welcome them in and offer them tea, sitting at eye level to them as he listens to their concerns and answering their questions. None are refused entry from his home and all are shown the full measure of hospitality possible. When asked here his angels stay, Gyrian will smile and wave to the world; for as his message teaches: "one can always find home out in the world".


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