Nine Hells, Realm of Evil in Cindaros | World Anvil

Nine Hells, Realm of Evil

The Nine Hells, sometimes called the Great Hells, or the Nine Hells of Baator; is a land of true evil incarnate. Many can debate the ethics of whether chaotic evil or lawful evil is the worse kind of evil, but few can argue with the depths evil can go when covered by the law. The Nine hells is the personification of this premise. Infernal law reigns supreme here and the devils who inhabit and birth from this plane know these laws backwards and forwards, top to bottom. Operating on contracts and tiers, devils work to bring themselves from the lowest depths to the height of archdukedom, scrambling to gather as many souls to their path as possible.  

Realm Spotlight

The Nine Hells possess many of the basic aspects with that of the material plane. Gravity, time, and basic necessaity all remain. However, each is corrupted and the Archdukes who rule each layer of the Hells may command their layer and change aspects as they wish. While each layer is seemingly infinite, it is also finite in its comparison to the next lower level. This is meant to be purposefully confusing to those not native to the hells. For here, evil reins supreme.   Travel is possible through this plane on the River Styx, a river commanded by powerful spirits and overseen by lesser beings of power. Upon this river, souls flow down to the lowest depths of the Nine Hells and it is possible to ride from one layer to another. However, do not fall into the waters lest you wish to lose all that you are and know.  

The Nine Layers of Baator

The Nine Hells is made up of Nine independent layers. Each layer is ruled by an Archduke who commands legions to devils and lawful evil forces. Each level is as different and varied as the one above or below it and each takes some twisted representation of its archduke. Whether a powerful devil who has risen through the ranks or a direct child of Asmodeus, an archduke is not a being to be triffled with and it is less advisable to fight them on their personal layer. The layers are as follows:  
  • Avernus: Ruled by Zariel, Avernus is a realm of constant battle and destruction. Pillars of skulls and fields of bronze citadels dot the landscape. It is here the bulk of the Blood War is fought between Devils and Demons, a massive conflict that rages on to this day and see millions of casualties.
  • Dis: The burning city of iron and heat, Dis is ruled by Dispater. Here devils come together and trade souls or toil at endless infernal paperwork. Dis is a land of oppression yet of revelry, for those involved in the blood war come here for a moments respite.
  • Minauros: A horrible swamp teeming with acid rain and bigger winds, Minauros is ruled by Mammon, a vile and putrid creature. Multiple cities dot the landscape and revel in torture and sin, yet outside these walls death awaits those in horrible bogs.
  • Phlegethos: Similar to the plane of fire, Phlegethos is a layer of tormented flame and painful burns. Ruled by Lady Fierna and Archduke Belial, the two consort to grow their devil legions and expand the flames of hell.
  • Stygia: A frozen landscape drowned in ice and crushing seas of moving frost. Trapped within is Levistus, ruler of the layer but imprisoned by Asmodeus for an attempted takeover.
  • Malbolge: Boundless stone and endless rock form the bulk of the sixth layer here. Ruled by the Hag Countess, this layer is barren and difficult to survive in. To even move along this realm requires one to climb and navigate difficult terrain.
  • Maladomini: Made of abandoned cities and forgotten structures, souls enslaved to infernal task masters toil for resources at the command of Baalzebul, Archduke of this layer. Often known as the plane of the lost, this layer is a twisted sanctuary.
  • Cania: Ruled by Mephistopheles, the eight layer is twice as cold and three times as bitter as that of Stygia. Creatures must tread carefully here for if the cold does not kill you, the ice titans might.
  • Nessus: the deepest layer and ruled by the god Asmodeus, Nessus is a massive chasm dotted with personal fortresses and infinite rifts. It is said that to fall through here, one would fall for all eternity.

Traveling to the Nine Hells

All first time travelers to the Nine Hells always end up on Avernus. Whether passing along the River Styx or using a planar spell, travelers find themselves upon the first layer. Here they must dodge the pit falls and traps that exist to potentially reach the layer they desire to go to. Travel to the plane outside of the River Styx requires a Tuning Fork attuned to the Nine Hells. Once one has traveled here once, they may travel to a layer they are familiar with anytime they so choose, with exception of the ninth layer. Only Asmodeus can allow travel to the ninth layer directly and this is usually reserved for his closest of servants.
The Great Lord Asmodeus, Master of the Nine Hells
Known often as the Prince of Lies, the Lord of Deceit, and master of the Nine Hells, Asmodeus is an evil god within the Profane Eight who delights in controlling mortals of all forms. A collector of souls and master of cruelties, he lives within the deepest level of the Nine Hells, Nesus. Some believe that this is nothing more than an avatar, and the true Asmodeus lives somewhere far below this in a secret tenth level. From his fortress and audiance chambers he commands over the Archdukes of Hell and sends forth infernal legions to fight all of his enemies.   Asmodeus has been challenge many times for his godly throne. None have succeeded. For even the destruction of his avatar has yielded little more than an inconveniance to him. So immense is his power that all the other Archdukes scheme for millenia in hopes to simply crack his power. Few can ever hope to damage him permanantly.


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