Outlands, Realm of Paradox in Cindaros | World Anvil

Outlands, Realm of Paradox

Rising from the depths of base of the Great Tree and reaching to the height of Eringuard, the Outlands act as a planar way-stop between the material plane and many of the realms. Here many of the landscapes and different aspects of other realms mesh and meet to create a wholy unique plane of existence. Earth elementals battle devils along barren wastelands while vrocks fly overhead seeking to steal from Air Genasi who might have settled on a plataeu. Such is the discordent nature of Outlands that it is sometimes called "the meeting of the worlds".  

Realm Spotlight

The Outlands are similar in nature to the material plane when it comes to air, water, food, and gravity. In fact many groups have established cities and outposts within the Outlands as living here is so similar to that of the material. Shaped like a massive disk, its center is dominated by a single mountain that stretches upwards, stopping just short of Sigil. Yet, for all its similarity to the material, the Outlands contain their own hosts of dangers and problems.   Because of the bleed through of different realms onto the Outlands, areas of the Outland contain dangers and risks that few can imagine. Fire pits and explosive lava columns might jut from an otherwise normal rock formation. Demons and Devils wage aspects of the Blood War on open fields. Archmages have been known to use entire swaths of territory as their own personal testing grounds for dangerous spells. People from worlds never heard of call the Outlands home and seek to carve large swaths of it out for themselves.  

Sigil, City of Doors

Floating high above the tall mountain of the outlands rests Sigil, the City of Doors. A ringed city that floats high in the sky, Sigil is a place where all people from across the multiverse can meet. The powerful Wizard Mordenkainen might associate with Raistlin Mejere in a tavern on Sigil. The Angel of Holy Virtue might enjoy a drink with a Duke of the 9 Hells. All of which is made possible by the cities mysterious ruler, The Lady of Pain. The Lady is the absolute ruler of Sigil and a being seemingly powerful enough to impose her rule even upon gods who enter her city. Violance is not tolorated within the city and those who attempt to bring it will find themselves exiled from the city quickly, though this has not stopped the occasional skirmish from taking place.   Like the realm below, portals to the multiverse open within Sigil. As well, doorways have been dedicated to specific planes and locations in the multiverse, allowing more concrete travel. Sigil is a market hub for all manner of items that pass between worlds. Every form of currency is accepted and used in regular intervals and it is entirely possible for an individual to end up with gold coins from worlds no one even knew existed. Sigil is also a place where one can find out about obscure worlds and locked planes of existence. A door exists to everywhere, even the most fortified of locations, all one needs to do is find the right one.  

Tower of the Watcher

On the far outer fringes of the Outlands sits a everwinding tower of pink quartz and emerald. Home to Nim the Watcher, the Tower of the Watcher is her arcane sanctum, place of study, and divine domain. No one may enter the Tower without her expressed permission and those who do enter require her assistance to navigate. The few who have been allowed in find a strange blend of ancient sculptures and seemingly modern gnomish designs.  

Halls of Fortune

Flittering around the Outlands, as fickle as fortune can be; the Halls of Fortune will stay in a location on the Outlands only for a day before moving to the next. Divine domain of Lamen, the Halls act as her personal castle whose appearance she can control. The Halls often appear as a massive tavern, allowing those to come inside and rest within her hall. Acting as inn keeper, Lamen runs games of chance, employs oracles and other fortune tellers, and provides free food and respite to all under her room. When the Halls move, so do all inside and all within any area Lamen chooses.  

Traveling to the Outlands

Of all the planes to travel to, the Outlands is by far the easiest to reach. A tuning fork can bring one to the base of its great peak or anywhere that one desires within the plane. A seperate tuning fork is required to reach the city of Sigil. As well, planes to the Outlands open constantly on other planes; allowing travelers to cross between realms with ease. In addition, knowing how to navigate Sigil allows one to travel the 12 realms and the worlds beyond.


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