Pandemia, Realm of Chaos Personified in Cindaros | World Anvil

Pandemia, Realm of Chaos Personified

Planar travelers often reference the Abyss as a land of dark chaos and unchecked ability, yet few will ever willingly travel to Pandemia. Where the Abyss is a land of evil chaos, Pandemia is a land of truely chaotic natures and forces. Lacking any intent at all, it is a swirling pit of unbridled and uncontrolled disharmony. Some believe the realm of Pandemia is a byproduct leftover from creation. A place where the gods used to test creations or to understand the nature of creation itself. Others think it is a splinter of the Abyss, some axis that allows additional chaos but without the malicious intent. Regardless of the reason for its existence, Pandemia is a land few desire to go and even fewer will enjoy staying in.   The Realm of Chaos Personified is divided into two spaces. The outer ring is an area known as Limbo, swirling masses of dying elemental energy collide with uncontained forces to create an unstable ring that has no master. If one were able to make it past this space, they would find the even harsher plane known as Pandemonium. Unlike limbo, Pandemonium holds form and shape, a windswept where chaos not only exists on the surface, but exerts on the minds of those who come to it. There is no balance between these two planes, elemental and eldritch energies from limbo will crash and fall into Pandemonium just as landmasses of Pandemonium will just into the spaces of Limbo.  

Realm Spotlight

The discordent nature of Pandemia leads any understanding of what it could be like to guesswork at best. One moment gravity may be no more than a tenth of the material, another it could be as oppressive as a star, and the next it could not exist at all. Elemental, Eldritch, Arcane, and any other kind of energy one could image swirl, join, and even die within the plane. Whether through entropy or collision, all energy diffuses eventually in Pandemia and little could be done to stop it. This has led many to be wary of spellcasting within the realm, fearing that a spell might burn itself out too quickly or simply fizzle before it even begins.   Beings of sufficiently high enough wisdom can attempt to exert a level of control in either Limbo or Pandemonium, though this control must be constant and vigilant. Pandemia abores control of any kind and will buffet any individual who finds themselves attempting to command even a 10-foot radius space simply to quiet the storms. The few beings who have learned to survive in Pandemia are either high in wisdom or know to embrace the chaos at all chances and possibilities.  


The swirling, chaotic mass that is Limbo is indescribable to behold. Small bright stars eject energies of all forms and kinds drawn from across the multiverse. Once cast spells, dying elementals, and whims of gods come flying from spawning points and collide with one another. Chaos Storms rage from the collected energy, shattering and flinging continent sized masses and violent energies across the plane and onto Pandemonium. Permanant portals exist here in Limbo to allow travel from other planes, allowing smugglers and outlaws quick access points across the realms.   As chaotic as this realm is, there are beings who have made residence here. Githzerai cities and monastaries dot the landscape where ancient masters command the chaos away to allow pockets of "safe" living. As well, the Slaadi, violent creatures who roam the realm; can traverse even the most extreme of the chaotic conditions. Some wizards have even established towers and retreats here, places to study and harness the chaotic energies of Limbo to further their ends. No one misses dying energy and while it remains, it can power many spells and other effects that a wizard may desire.  


The first thing one will notice should they land on Pandemonium is the wind. Screaming winds encompase the surface of the plane and even descending to the 4 layers below gives one little reprieve from the sound. To even be heard on the plane, one must constantly scream as little sound will travel otherwise. Most travelers are deafened after the first 24 hours on the plane and should they remain long enough, may lose their hearing entirely. The plane itself is divided into 4 layers: Pandesmos, Cocytus, Phlegethon, and Agathion.   One would imagine that such a harsh and hostile environment would be empty. However ust below the surface in Pandesmos exists a massive city called the Madhouse. Haphazard organized buildings but against rock formations within massive spawling caverns. Some travelers to Pandemonium go no further than here though cities exist even deeper down. Many secrets and ancient tales exist on Pandemonium, leading some to believe it was once a material world swallowed by primal chaos.  

Traveling to Pandemia

Anyone experienced planar traveler will tell you, don't visit Pandemia. Most could not even conceive of a reasonable situation to visit Pandemia and the few who have been will expound upon the horrors that exist within the realm. However, should the need arise; whether a soul of a loved one has been trapped there or some ancient artifact is held in a chaotic fortress, travel itself is surprisingly easier than to any other plane. You only need to cast the Plane Shift spell, without any tuning fork or knowledge of where you are going. From here, the spell will dump you somewhere in either Limbo or Pandemonium. Should you need a more specific destination, tuning forks do exist to each of the planes and prior travel can help with identifying "relative" pockets of safety.
Grand Palace of Envy
Buried somewhere deep in the cracks and crevices of Pandemonium rests an impossibly pristine structure. So gaudy and gilded in its perfection that one cannot help but feel tainted just to look upon it. Even as grand as the palace looks, few approach it and even fewer will enter inside. Whether this is intentional or not is known only to its creator, Temira; and she tells no one the true answer. Were the Grand Palace ever removed from Pandemonium, it might resemble Amaeus Tuval's Nightmare Fortress or Horoudens Palace of Light. Alas, Temira could not secure such grand and illustrious locations.   Should one dare to enter the Grand Palace of Envy, they will find a spawling fortress and chataeu melded together. Massive banquet halls meet powerfully defended positions and mighty bulworks. The winds that sweep Pandemonium disappear, only to be replaced by an ill feeling. Looking upon the interior of the fortress, one will gain a sense of unease and dread that feels nearly worse than that of the howling winds. For it is not only envy that lurks here.


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