Prime Material Cindaros in Cindaros | World Anvil

Prime Material Cindaros

The prime material plane contains the world of Cindaros, the twin moons (Tyryn and Eryrn), and all the other material worlds that occupy this realm. It is the physical world on which most creatures live and on which most outer planar beings attempt to conqour. Yet, this is not all there is to the material realm as several other realms overlap with the Prime Material.  

The Ethereal Realm

Where the Astral Realm allows travel and movement along the different planes of existence, the Ethereal realm acts as a domain of passage on the material realm. Commonly occupied by ghosts and planar outsiders, beings in the Ethereal realm can view the Prime Material of a world but not interact with it. They may see things as they truly are and move among them as they please. Concepts like gravity, movement, or any other hinderances disappear. Yet, with this loss is also the inability to touch anything. Many a monster has been brought low by being forced into the Ethereal realm.   The Ethereal is also a secondary means of traveling the planes. Individuals can not only find minor fractures between worlds, but also see strings of divine influence that could potentially allow travel. An individual possessed by a demon might displace an energy form that could be moved through to the Abyss. It is for this reason the Ethereal realm is sometimes called the "secret paths".  

The Shadowfell

The Shadowfell is a mirror copy of the world of Cindaros, as it was at the very beginning. Almost an alternative version of the world had it been born too close to negative energy. The Shadowfell exists as a stepping point to the Negative Energy Ring within Eringuard. Drawing from this power it is a land of dead creatures and dead life. Its very atmosphere is oppressive with the feeling of death and finality. It is here that The Raven Queen dwells and monitors all of those who pass her way to the afterlife. Blight cities and Shader-Kai Elves dwell among this place, along with all manner of undead creatures.  

The Feywild

Like the Shadowfell, the Feywild is a copy of Cindaros at its very beginning. However, drawing its power from the positive energy, it is a verdent overgrowth of primal power. The Feywild acts as a launching point to the Positive Energy Ring within Eringuard and is the home to many Fae creatures. Ruled by a series of Archfey within the Seelie and Unseelie courts, the Feywild knows no concepts of time, space, or the limitations of form and figure. Dangers abound those entering the Feywild for the Fae can be tricky and exact a powerful price. However, those who manage to treat with them can recieve powerful boons.
Cindaros, the Converged World Base Map Image


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