The Abyss, Realm of Horrors in Cindaros | World Anvil

The Abyss, Realm of Horrors

The Abyss, also known as the Infinite Layers of the Abyss, the Realm of Evil Chaos, or the Demons Realm. Situated at the depth of a rotted root of the Great Tree, the Abyss is an ever expanding tower of infinite levels. To understand the Abyss is an impossible task, for each layer is defined either by chaotic forces or the demon lord who controls it. The Abyss is all that is ugly, all that is evil, and all that is chaotic reflected in infinite variety through layers beyond count. Those who have tried to make themselves masters of the chaos have only found death and pain infinitely as their reward.  

Realm Spotlight

Each layer of the Abyss is drastically different from another. Some might be twisted reflections of the material plane while others couldnt possibly exist on the material. Things such as air, gravity, and even bodily needs are different from layer to layer. The Abyss may create a layer, but its ruler decides how it is and what it is like, whether that ruler knows they are doing it or not. A demon lord might control 3 or 4 layers of the Abyss and each one might be different from the rest.   Only the 1st Layer, the layer known as the Plain of Infinite Portals, contains some measure of sanity to it. Possessing normal gravity and time flow, this layer is the least chaotic of all the layers of the abyss. The only commonality of the Abyssal layers is that of its inhabitants: demons. From the lowest wretch to the highest bailor, the Abyss is teaming with all manner and form of demonic activity. Demons many have never even witnessed might spawn randomly into creation within the Abyss. For the Abyss itself is a sentient plane and creates all the madness it desires. From new threats and forms of madness to entirely new demon lords, the Abyss might spawn any number of horrors possible.  

Layers of the Abyss

There are a myriad of layers to the Abyss. Some believe there are 666 layers, though others believe that the number is infinite. Layers might claim to be numbered one way, but other numbers could appear in that layer. As well, some Demon Lords control multiple layers of the Abyss, folding these into a singular plane from which they can act. Clicking here one can find a more detailed list of the many layers of the Abyss and the Demon Lords who inhabit them. As well, the list below denotes several layers known about by scholars of Cindaros.  
  • 95th, 96th, and 97th Layer of the Abyss, The Blood Realm: The Realm of Kor-Narris, the Blood Berserker. It is said that this realm is filled only with those who delight in the spilling and drinking of blood. Demonic vampires, cannibalistic horrors, and frenzied creatures all exist within the 3 layers of this plane. From here the dark god Kor-Narris plans his vile actions and the contemptable raids that might take place.
  • 374th Layer of the Abyss, The Crushing Disk: The Crushing Disk is the realm of a black hole. The mighty Singularity slowly consumes and pulls at the broken landscape, drawing it ever more into its ever hungry jaws. Just above the center resides the Rumishain Palace and its Demon Lord Brick. Here, Brick toils to remove his burden and to seek revenge on those who mocked him.
  • 413th Layer of the Abyss, the Demon-Library: Home to the Demon Lord Ariscmain. Once a powerful wizard, Ariscmain learned to channel the dark energies of the Abyss and was such corrupted by them. It is believed that he is the root of all demonology in Cindaros. His plane is that of a dark library, filled with infinite and repeating tomes on the nature of demons and demonic rituals. Within his private study, Ariscmain plots ways to subvert more of the Abyss to his realm and to learn more of its secrets.
  • 513th and 514th Layer of the Abyss, The Contagion Forest: Home to Anu-Rash, the Caged Contagion, the Contagion Forest is an ever expanding forest filled with sick and dying trees. To breath here is to assure death as only Anu-Rash's blessing can prevent it. Few survive the travel from forest edge to the Caged Palace where Anu-Rash is housed. A prison of his own making, Anu-Rash works towards the day when he can unbid himself and his plagues upon the world.

Traveling to the Abyss

To travel to the Abyss is not recommended. If you must travel to the Abyss, don't. If it is impossible to avoid, do so under the most careful of circumstances. A tuning fork to the Abyss will bring one to the 1st Layer, the Plane of Infinite Portals. From here, navigation through the Abyss is a venture of pure luck and hopeless nightmares. While things like time and normal bioligical needs still continue, each layer is so vast and different that it is nearly impossible to prepare for all of a travel.   It is possible to journey to specific layers of the Abyss. By having a demon lord or dark gods blessing, one can travel there. As well, if you are able to find a dark tuning fork made within the layer, it is possible to travel to that specific layer. However, both of these methods are exceedingly rare and require the upmost care. Demons are fickle by nature, and Demon Lords personify this. Having a Demon Lords blessing might seem like a boon one day, but it turns quickly into a curse.

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