The Ordering of the Great Tree in Cindaros | World Anvil

The Ordering of the Great Tree

The Great Tree, sometimes called Yggdrasil; is the binding force that allows planar travel throughout the cosmology of Cindaros. From its roots to its highest top, one is able to travel along its veins from realm to realm. The tree itself exists as a star field within the Astral Plane. It is unknown which of the deities created the great tree or if they each had a hand in placing a realm upon it. Some believe the tree is the sprouting point for all life within the cosmos. Others believe that it is simply a means to insure a form of isolation of Cindaros from other worlds and planes. Each of the 11 planes sits within a specific spot on the tree as related to its importance with the realm ascendant, Alteras, sitting at the top of worlds.  

The Astral Plane

The Great Tree acts as the manifestation of the Astral Plane and allows its representation within the Astral Plane (The 12th realm). When viewed from a certain distance on the Astral Plane, one can make out the many branches, leaves, and mighty trunk that represents the plane along with the 11 brightly glowing orbs that represent each realm. When one uses a spell like Plane Shift or Gate to travel to another plane, this tree acts as the navigation system. Ascending to a higher plane travels one through the many high branches and verdant leaves, descending to a lower plane brings you through the trunk and into one of the many roots.  

Denizens of the Great Tree

It is not only gods who have created worlds and homes upon the Great Tree, other beings like the Githyanki have found ways to carve their own paths into the tree. Dead gods, exiled meteors, and other debris of the Astral Plane have been dragged and moved into positions upon one or more branches to act as anchor points, allowing life not so different from that of Cindaros to exist upon the great tree. It is here one might find the great city of Tu'Narath home of Vlaakith the Lich-Queen of the Githyanki, or the Path to the City of Union that exists outside of the planes. Great Astral Dreadnoughts move among the branches and prey upon travelers outside of the realms.  

Other Planes of Existence

On worlds like Faerun or Oerth, there is a potential to access more than 27 distinct realms of existence. Many of these realms do also exist here, folded into one or more realms or as pockets places that must be discovered. Upon each of the realms pages, you will find sub-sections that detail other realms that might exist within them. Planes such as Bytopia, Carceri, Arborea, and the Beastlands are not connected to the Great Tree.  

The Far-Realm

Just outside the roots of the Great Tree exists a locked doorway. Behind a thousand mirrors and encased in a thousand locks exists a portal to the Far-Realm. The Far-Realm is not a plane of existence many would choose to go to willingly. It is the land from which Beholders, Mind Flayers, and other aberrations hail and in some ways is the source of the foreign powers. Mad gods, lost powers, and other horrible evils exist and bend the realities of the Far-Realm to their bidding. Even with such myriad of security, aberrations slip through from time to time, finding themselves upon one of the great planes or within some forgotten root of the Great Tree. Several deities such as Horouden and Asmodeus take it upon themselves to dispatch forces to attack anyone who has ventured into the Far-Realm and returned. Such actions are considered dangerous and could lead to the Great Tree falling for its taint. Others such as Velinxia might guide an adventuring group to and from the Far-Realm in secret, allowing them to happen upon some list treasure or great wonder lost to time.


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