Ysgard, Realm of Battle in Cindaros | World Anvil

Ysgard, Realm of Battle

The realm of battle, Ysgard is sometimes know as the realm of the heroes or the realm of valhalla. All heroes of good who died in battle or those villians who redeemed their souls in battle may come here. It is a land of eternal conflict but also eternal celebration, people may fight by day, die in battle, return to form in the evening, and revel the night away in continuous cycle. Ruled by the great lord Kyrios, the realm is his personal garrison and where he watches all of his heroes do battle.  

Realm Spotlight

The realm itself is similar in many ways to the material plane though it is truly infinite. Landmasses can spawn at the will of many beings and hundreds of battlefields have risen and fallen in the time since its creation, though many remain to this day. Positioned in the center on a continent sized mass is the Valiant Fortress, an imposing structure of mythral and adamantium. Battles rage across many lands in all its eternity which brings to the greatest of traits of Ysgard: death does not exist here.   A person slain on Ysgard simply rises as the sun sets, all wounds healed and any negative effects removed. Heroes of ancient times and modern warriors both hone their skills and refine their crafts to perfection. Centium marshalls test new strategies against Anuri-Ra warmasters. Even those who come to this plane from the material are unaffected by death in all its forms and can spend time amongst the greatest heroes learning the craft of combat.  

The Valiant Fortress

Resting on a continent sized landmass that floats between the top layer of Ysgard, the Valiant Fortress rises as a city sized structure. Built from mythral and adamanatium, the imposing structure acts as the palace to Kyrios, the great warrior of light. Here, Kyrios draws artisans and warriors alike to his side; teaching them his strategies and helping to develop weapons of immense power to use against the forces of evil. Those brought here feel a constant sense of duty as they work under the great warriors eye. Once a year, Kyrios opens his fortress to all of Ysgard, hosting a great week of battles where all may test their might against his plans and those he elects to run them.  

Valiant Hall and Plane of Ida

The great plane of Ida is the home of most battle on Ysgard. It is here that generals and commanders gather forces and launch day long campaigns against one another. From the first rising of the sun to the first vestiges of dark, battle takes place. Whether through airships, summoned creatures, or soul tied mounts; the air above the plane is full of combat as well. At the west end of the plane sits the great Valiant Hall. A massive open structure with thousands of tables and millions of seats. The Hall acts as the evening spot of revelry for the plane, warriors may eat and drink to restore themselves before the next fight to come. Every great general or army leader has carved out a private sanctum within the hall. A place for them to work and relax while planning their next great campaigns.  

Den of Olidammara

A being of greater power, Olidammara is often considered the "god of rogues", though he is more of a lesser power compared to that of the court. Sometimes claled the Laughing Rogue, he concerns himself with music, revels, wine, homor, and similar ideals. Wood, stone, and stranger substances create a grand but haphazard steructure, as if several mansions of various cultures were mashed together. On the inside, mazes, locked doors, blind hallways, and secret treasure abound. At the center of this discordent mess of structures sits the Thieve's Hall, a grand place where music plays and all may revel and enjoy with this greater being. Olidammara often lounges in the center upon a great floating dias, though sometimes he may disguise himself as one of his guests and mingle among the crowd. His place here seems odd and disconnected from a realm of battle. But even the great god Kyrios recognizes the need for one with subtle skills and great inspiration.  


Sometimes called the Land of Fire, Muspelheim is a floating layer of ribbon-like earth. Some ribbons might be continent sized while others no more than a hundred feet in length, this layer is ever moving and full of volcanic rock and ash. It is difficult to traverse here and even more difficult to fight upon, yet many have found a great joy in planing their battles here.  


Burried deep in the bottom layer, Nidavellir is a realm of dwarves and gnomes from all walks of life. Here weapons of war and great siege engines are forged within massive furnaces. Anvils as large as houses are struct to bring about all manner of warfare to life. Many of the great weapons used in the higher levels are forged here in Nidavellir and it is said the entire space is dedicated to the great god Harin, though the great godsmith does not reside on this realm. Massive tunnels link dwarven kingdoms and gnome technocracies alike, creating a webway of travel well beneath the surface. Battles rage and toil here too, with gnome contraptions and dwarven engineering coming head to head.  

Traveling to Ysgard

Travel to Ysgard is simple enough so long as one possess a tuning fork attuned to the plane. Upon appearing on Ysgard, you may find yourself in the middle of a heated conflict. Whether you flea from the battle or choose a side to fight with is up to you, but what is critical is the knowledge that you sacrifice nothing to enjoy the fight. Should you fall, you will find yourself rising as the sun sets. Once you have traveled to Ysgard once, you may use the tuning fork to appear in places not hostile such as the Valiant Hall or in the depths of Nidavellir.


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