Lydia Allison Heather
Lydia Allison Heather
I am Lydia Allison Heather. I've worked at the circus since I was 12. My dad died and my mother disappeared one day. I've been in many foster families and I escaped the last one and lived at the school. When B.T. saw me. he knew that I was a sorceress and I came to the circus. There I discovered my mom got engaged with an elf on the day she disappeared and met my stepsister, Grace. I have worked at the circus ever since.
Physical Description
Special abilities
I can shoot well, and I can also escape really fast as well because I can do gymnastics.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
I was born to my parents Olivia and James. When I was 5 my parents disappeared one day. I went from foster family, to foster family. My foster families were all horrible, and I only had enough money from my parents to get food, clothes , and education. One day, I escaped a foster family. I lived at school, and I slept there there every night in a small room where nobody went. But, during my whole life, whenever I strongly felt an emotion, weird things would happen. One day, B.T. came to the school to speak. I let go some of my powers and he knew that I was a sorceress. I was 12 that time and I worked at the circus ever since.
At school I payed a lot of attention. My work sheets were graded spectacularly. At the circus I also learned sorcery from Shanjan Kwan.
At the circus, I am a entertainer, I get everyone entertained.
Accomplishments & Achievements
My achievements is that I work at the circus, and earn money.
Personality Characteristics
I wish to live a nice, happy life with my friends.
Contacts & Relations
I have no relatives.
Wealth & Financial state
My money isn't a lot, but I hope to get enough to buy a home.
Smart, kind, talented, and brave.
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Date of Birth
March 12
Current Residence
B.T.'s circus
Sky Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 feet