Athacki Baught Character in Cirke | World Anvil
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Athacki Baught

Athacki is a merchant in the square of Sashir, a Perdish man who hides his identity so far below wrapped and thick, draping clothes and a wide brimmed hat, that many do not know his race or never suspect it. He keeps his secondary limbs tightly held against his body underneath all his clothes and wears gloves and boots to hide the rest. Athacki is just trying to get by and sells whatever he can. Odds and ends at worst, actual trinkets and information on the city at best. Surri brings him many interesting tiny finds of hers from around the city, and is one of the very few who knows his true identity, and even that was by pure coincidental timing alone. He is fond of a human woman in the city named Cerise who frequents the underground tunnels of the city and visits him there, despite knowing why he lives in that part of the city. She would return his affection if he every told her of his own, but he hasn't yet. Athacki lives in a winding portion of Sashir's underground tunnels named the Echoing Meedles. Everything said in the main portion and split head of the tunnel can be heard throughout it, which makes it quite easy to hide in case of intruders. A naturally occurring phenomenon. Athacki is quite religious, in the following of the three Divines and he walks Ta's true path, but he hides this fact, especially from his own kind, who turn away from her powerful judgment. This merchant has all the evidence anyone could possibly want that the Black Widow sect of Perdish women are conspiring with the Day Walkers to return to full power in the city and they want to use Tela, a very special Perdish baby, as a bargaining chip to do so. He could also lead anyone who needed to know right to the Day Walker's headquarters. Which are underneath the city of course. Athacki doesn't get many visitors, but he is willing to part with this information to the right person. Surri could bring you to him, if you befriended her.


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