Baragon is a male Gruntora of the Leo subspecies with black fur. He's fairly lithe and graceful, when focused; though he's fairly absent minded, more often than not.
He has an exceptionally good memory, when he's put together though. Tried to crack jokes but somehow ends up telling the same ones, despite his greater memory skills. tends to use this one weird skill for the best though, and will push points if people are misremembering things.
Talks about earning an apprentice somewhere, but will never actually pick a place or a profession. Every time he goes to put roots down, it seems the pack is moving on to the next adventure. their home base is Sashir, but he masters want you there to learn, not out galavanting around the world.
Talks about earning an apprentice somewhere, but will never actually pick a place or a profession. Every time he goes to put roots down, it seems the pack is moving on to the next adventure. their home base is Sashir, but he masters want you there to learn, not out galavanting around the world.