Gorioz Character in Cirke | World Anvil
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Gorioz is another Gruntora of Thyllis's pack. However it may seem, Thyllis is not the leader of the pack, but instead Gorioz is. They are not of one family by blood, but instead from several that just so happened to find one another in the deserts of Akha, whether it be by doing the same work or just as acquaintances in the same line of adventure. Gorioz is thusly the leader of the group, but has to act as just a friend when Thyllis is on a 'job'. Does this make sense? Rephrase.
  He is a decent cook, and probably why the entire cavaran is still alive at this point, as he knows a few recipes that are quite useful for keeping people alive on very little. he seems to always be a little distracted and constnatly wears a heavy iron medallion around his neck in the shape of a dragon. When asked he'll simply gain a far away look in his eye and say 'Oh this... it happened a long time ago... A spirit saved my life and now we are bound for that life debt.'
However he won't share that information with strangers or those he doesn't like, he may even hide it beneath his clothes if he doesn't trust you. His fate has yet to reveal itself to him, and he is thusly the most well-traveled of their group, but usually out of the country. Slaver, by the by, is not his life's purpose.


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