Jarnskir Settlement in Cirke | World Anvil
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Jarnskir resides under the Hrika barony, and has a population of 3,400 Pikotori. There is a castle here, as well as a marketplace. Jarnskir also happens to be home to the Malkain library of the country. This just so happened to be originally built in Fernstile, but due to the regular flooding that occurs in the coastal region after storms, the Fukibi decided moving it inland would be a better idea for longevity of the contained articles. Other amenities you could find would be a blacksmith. Their services are quite demanded among locals, but you have to bring your own materials or purchase them from Fernstile--there are no mines in Feldock, so there is no raw material. Other than these, the people of Jarnskir make their living by hunting in the surrounding areas. In these southern regions of Feldock, where the weather is a touch warmer, there is more game and more naturally occurring growth for them to survive on.


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