Kuhmo Settlement in Cirke | World Anvil
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Kuhmo is a small town in the Estaki Alukap toward the Eastern shoreline of Malkai. This town focusses on hunting, and most of its inhabitants are probably large, agile Fukibi. Like many places in this country, they have a library, though perhaps more of their exhibits are physical than book bound. The population is 1,698. The town has a small marketplace and a castle for defending their territory. (not that that's really necessary based on lack of competition from outsiders due to reputation and terrain) In this town you can find Experienced Hunters that can also draw you a damn good map of the local grounds, though they probably will leave out the best hunting locations for fear of poaching. Courier services (Just as much of Malkai, but perhaps less of them are available here than in other places and perhaps less willing to break away from their day to day services to do so.) Surprisingly you will also find a small theatre. A small upstart from [insert NPC here], whom worships both a god of the hunt and Suijizo.


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