Saril Settlement in Cirke | World Anvil
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Saril (SAR-ill)

Saril is a large port city in the southern reaches of Malkai, and is one of the few places to enter the country; the only on direct routing from Murake (and probably for very good reason.) This city has plenty to offer the weary traveler, from a harbor full of naval support and shipwrights to a marketplace of world and local fares, to perhaps a taste at the mysterious Fukibi culture-there are more than enough storytellers, souvenirs, and trinkets to go around. Locals generally do not allow foreigners further pass into the country without reason, or without escort. Because this city is so open to the world, and without as many of the massive trees they generally build in, most of Saril's buildings are at ground height, or able to be accessed from the ground.
This city is divided into four sectors. The northern sector is called Talon Crossing, mostly for the amount of fighting and distrust of outsiders present there. Just to the south, in the center of town is Market Square, where most of the merchants reside and hold their business. To the east is the Port Ward, where most of the international trade, hotels and shipyards reside. Further south you'll find the castle and Moon Rock, the noble's neighborhood, and where the walled castle is located. To the west is Swamp Bottom, full working people, built directly on marshy swampland. These people, while quite poor and generally low on the totem pole, are still valuable, and keep intruders from entering the country without pass.
Roads travel through and out of town to the south, west and north.
Saril is run by a consortium of Edellis, all Fukibi of course. The city is surrounded by high walls of earth, trees, and rock, and an airborne squadron of about 80 birds serve in its defense. About 1200 of the regular population are also fit to defend in the case of an attack. The master of forces is Percival Akcor, M Fukibi.
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Percival is a moderately attractive grey owl. He likes to wear tinted glasses and heavy clothing regardless the weather. His crown feathers are thinning and white, but still full. His ears are pierced with tiny sapphire earrings.
Percival will use flattery and sarcasm to attack and take his opponents off-guard. Despite being a formidable foe, he'd rather not fight at all, and is quite the coward. He is a very friendly person and likes music, the smell of food and good wine, and loves out-door festivals.
He's always been drawn to protecting what is right, and this drew him to being trained in the military and because he protected himself and others quite well, he eventually was promoted, and now likes his quite peaceful place as the master of forces in Saril. Spends some of his time as an armorer.

Amenities Offered in Saril:

Tavern: The Witch's Lodge

Owner: Ernest Hildenman, M Fukibi
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Wears a simple blue robe. His brown feathers fall in a bowl around his head, with a single feather pointing up. He constantly fights that feather. His beak is sharp and intimidating. Has hazel eyes behind his glasses.
Doesn't trust anyone but his wife, Klu, the witch in question of the business. (She has an apothecary just down the street.) He doesn't forgive people when they've crossed him. Views corruption as one of the highest crimes.
As a youngling, he was sold to a nefarious necromancer in another country. He was an 'assistant' and all too frequently a test subject. He escaped one day when a woman, and his future wife, came to call upon his master, and took him. They eventually killed that man. Ernest still hears spirits sometimes.

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The tavern exists in Market Square. The street outside usually has a few drunken revelers. It is a wooden two-story building, with a pretty heather-thatched roof and purple shuttered windows. it has a small covered porch. Inside there are several paintings on the walls. They are magical paintings that talk and unknowingly watch and see all things that happen in the tavern. Good source of information on the captain and Fodel.
  • Bison Cake with Rice and a Glass of Wine (5sp)
  • Sausage Steamed Bun with Fries and a Tankard of Cider (5 sp)
  • Duck Casserole and a Tankard of Cider (4sp)

Other Patrons:
  • Aldous Quintken, M Fukibi
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    Child Fukibi that has green-blue plumage. It is naturally occuring, even if he is teased for how it stands out. He likes to play with the tavern-keep's children. Knows much about Fukibi life in this town if you only ask.
  • Akelaid Blackfeather, F Fukibi
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    An academic Fukibi, typical, that spends her time studying and imbibing the wive's teas at the tavern. She says she likes the atmosphere. She likes the sound of people, and lives in a moderate-sized home in the Cat Row sector, and she likes it there. Generally a curious sort, and loves new stories wherever she can find them. A wealth of information!
  • Saleek, M Fukibi
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    Criminal, pockmarked and sickly looking, has a perpetual cough. Beak has a crack in it, which makes his eating habits messy. Has his eyes on a woman out of his league, and only comes around the tavern to wash dishes for a penny or two.
  • Ouss Adler, F Fukibi
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    Explorer that travels the world working for the Fukibi Courier services (still need a name for that). They have several piercings in their ears and dermally implanted along their brow. Is married to a Fukibi sailor, and that's why she has a place of staying in Saril. Is currently picking up more work from the notice board of the tavern.

Blacksmith: The Hammered Talon

Owner:Avika Kane, F Fukibi
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Her clothes are warn and dirty, but sturdy, the clothes of a working woman. Her feathers are light but singed and darkened with soot. She keeps her thick crown feathers pulled back in a large knot, clamped together with a metal band. She wears leathers and thick gloves, an apron in black tied around her waist with tongs and a hammer stuck in them. She is a proud businesswoman and quite successful in the Market Square part of Saril.

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Her shop consists of a small short wooden building with a covered porch.There is a forge, grinding wheel, and other make stations on the porch. All of her wares are inside the closed portion of the building. You will find her behind a short counter in the middle of the space, with armor and weapons to the sides of the room. There is a door to the right side and stairs going to a basement on the left. Customers are not allowed inside these areas.
  • Weapon, +1(936 gp)
  • Chain Mail (74 gp)
  • Ammunition, +1 (24 gp)

Other Patrons:
  • Ikki, M Fukibi
  • [spoiler]Young Fukibi man, about 37. White in plumage with grey tones at his head. Has a beard of sorts and tugs on it absently. Works as a farmer to the north of town, and is currently at the blacksmith to buy new horseshoes and tools.
  • Salik, M Fukibi
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    Has an orange and yellow eye, very charismatic man, about 80 years old and well into his prime years. Has beautifu lbrown plumage, and talks in pretty speech. It's quite common to hear people ask him to talk more plainly. Is not married but once fell in love with a human.
  • Qerick, M Fukibi
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    A priest to the Divines in Salir, wears heavy jewelry depicting Ta, and constantly holds it, preaching about following your karmic path. Is currently wanting to Commission the blacksmith for candlestick holders for the church he's trying to start.

    Alchemist: The Wasp's Pestle

    Owner: Elysande Lepuk, F Fukibi
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    Elysande is a pale-feathered Fukibi woman with pale lavender eyes. She is quire renowned for the dresses she wears, gifts from her beau and made by a very talented tailor in Saril. Her crown feathers are long and white and her eyebrows are a touch overgrown.
    She is quite protective of those that hire her services and is always quite sure that her clients understand exactly how to use her products. Quite enjoys music, and will fly over music festivals in Cornum sometimes just for fun.
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    The Wasp's Pestle is located off a back alley toward the northern edge of town. The building is a small wooden affair, in a low, wide pagoda, one barely suspended business. Surrounding the building are a variety of Ironwood trees heavily laden with wasp nests. There is a small balcony off her pagoda, and a variety of cluttered science equipment takes up most of the space. it puts off a very strong odor. Inside, the store room is circular with shelves lined with bottles and books aplenty. On the checkout counter is a small bucket of candies and a troll skull.
    • Potion of Fire Breath -145gp
    • Potion of Waterbreathinf - 177gp
    • Potion of Superior Healing- 437gp
    Other Patrons:
    • Yvonne Wakk, F Fukibi, looking for 3 blue glass bottles, which this shop does not have.
    • Durk, M Fukibi, purchasing poison
    Jeweler: Owlye Jewels
    Owner: Rivar Peakdown, F Fukibi
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    Rivar wears a long blue cloak and a belt of empty pouches around her waist. To collect the shinies she says. They also contain a magnifying tool and small jewelry repair items for when she's out and about. Her brown feathers are kept long at her crown and pulled back into a rather impressive braid-an accomplishment in Fukibi culture. Her eyes are yellow.
    She is a calm and collected individual and well-trained in her profession. Her respect is unwavering once it has been earned. a bit impatient.
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    Owlye Jewels is of course, located in Moon Rock, built in the highest suspended compartment in one of the great trees. A spiralling staircase connects them all together and to the ground, all half-enclosed and lined with small lights. The compartment itself is much like the others, built from wood and plasters. The roof is tan curved clay tile, curled up at the ends in a 'feathered' fashion. A bubbled window displays out into the world, and the bottom half is filled with an aquarium and koi fish. Inside the business is a single room containing a well-stocked workshop and a large leather bound file with hundreds of small compartments. Displays line another wall, each locked behind a spell of shielding.
    • Ring of Regeneration - 11,727gp
    • Ring of Feather Falling - 2,300gp (made with genuine Fukibi feathers!)
    • Exquisite Necklace - 5gp
    Other Possible Patrons:
    • Agnes, F Fukibi, shopping for an amulet of protection for her boyfriend
    • Gunter Windfold, M Fukibi, a friend of Rivar, just there to chat
    Enchanter: The Academy of Elements
    Owner: Goeffrey Crane, M Birdfolk (Crane variety)
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    It's not really a secret, but owls are generally the preferred species of the Fukibi race, and are the ones that named it and claimed it, but they aren't the only ones allowed to it, all birdfolk are included under this distinction, but the owls look down on the other varieties of birds as if they are somehow lesser. Being a crane, Geoffrey feels this tension somewhat with his clients, especially if they are of the owlish variety. Goeffrey dresses in fancy collared shirts with open backs and a thick scarf about his thin neck. He has thin golden hair and keeps it combed over to one side. His face is more bird-like than others, and he has a true beak. Usually kind. Brown eyes. Can be a bit aggressive once he's been offended, especially if you bring up the classism of the Fukibi owls. Has worked as a courier for some time until he discovered a hidden talent for enchanting items, and decided to change professions.
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    Geoffrey teaches as well as services those who need enchantments in his store, and becuase of his station, his place in Saril is on the ground in Market Square. He doesn't mind, as the people around are quite nice, and the streets are well lit. His building is a low wooden pagoda, with large windows and few pieces of furniture, all roughly made. FlyFast trophies set up on a high shelf in his foyer, from his career as a courier. This wall also holds a display case of enchanted items, as well as available ones.
    • Eversmoking Bottle - 959 gp
    • Belt of Hill Giant Strength - 7,859 gp
    • Gem of Brightness - 4,978 gp
    Other Patrons:
    • Hok Allfi, M Fukibi, apprentice
    • Soni, F Fukibi, a youngling proposing a pranking enchantment with Geoffrey
    General Store: Worldly Market and Goods Exchange
    Owner: Storm Rider, F Fukibi
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    A well-muscled Fukibi woman, she is the strongest flyer many in Saril know, as it's said she flew through a lightning storm and survived once. Her feathers are slick and blue-grey. She keeps her feathers all the same length, though you can see her eyebrow feathers pop out just a little. Her blue eyes look like she caught lightning straight in her eye as a youngling.
    She is quite the excited individual, and is willing to talk and tell stories at the drop of a hat, let alone the random challenge to a race from many a competitor. She's only lost once, to Geoffrey of the Academy of Elements, and it was a fair loss, she will tell you herself. She has quite a bit of respect for the small bird-man. Believes in the gods, and goes to temple quite often. She plays a flute there, and is moderately skilled at it.
    She was born to a mountainous Fukibi family that valued little other than fast flying and exceptional hunting. They were not part of any formal village, but made a living on their own, surviving and thriving in the beautiful mountainous passages of the Klospo alukap. She was mated at one point in time to another thrill-seeking Fukibi, but during one of their lightning races, he was caught and died. She was struck that life was short, and has always emphasized to those she knows that they should take action and do what they want. Because she is so energetic with people, sometimes she forgets to breathe while speaking.
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    The store is located in Market Square, in the center, the busiest market area frequented often by adventurers and tourists from all over the world. Often they make trades for goods from far off lands. This store has a brick facade, and is a large two story building. Banners and streams hang from the corners of its upturned roof to the surrounding buildings. At all sides are an amalgamation of goods from various world vendors, and indoors the first floor is yet another trove of goods. The owners live upstairs. It has a red-dyed terracotta clay-shingled roof with feathered edges like most typical Fukibi buildings. A set of windchimes blows in the wind by the door, a panel for each god that the owner wishes to believe in. The shelves are covered with all manner of merchandise from religious periphernalia, posters, to shipment crates of exotic fruits and meats stored in the far back.
    • Carpenter's Tools - 15gp
    • Pot, Iron - 2gp
    • Smith's Tools - 20 gp
    Other Patrons:
    • Jade Timber, F Human
    • Seven Stride, F Grunthora
    • Grek, M Fukibi
    • Lewis Wordsmouth, M Fukibi
    Shipwright: Lofty Sails, Shipwrights & More
    Owner: Shifling Teach, M Fukibi
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    A powerful Fukibi man, a little heavier built and able to manipulate the tools necessary for ship building. Is a member of the Edellis for Saril. Wears thick canvas clothing, sleeves rolled up and talons bare. His feathers are grey and thinner than when he was in his youth. His amber eyes are circular and calculating.
    Sometimes misses the days when he could go faster, and was a little more physically fit. Loves a good challenge when it comes to his ships. Highly competitive.
    His company has been smuggling goods aboard their ships and others' for years now. A very successful dealer in expensive lumber, jewelry, general goods and other smuggleable items.
    Speaks in a quieter voice, with a rasp.
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    Takes up a good portion of the docks for its operation, and won't be giving that up any time soon. Specials:
    • Rowboat - 50 gp
    • Keelboat - 3,000gp, 1 month wait time
    • Sailing Ship - 10,000gp, 5 month wait time
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    An abandoned cottage exists to the north in a rocky forest. The trees are a unique and very hard bark, used to create ironbark armor, a dappled appearing wood armor popular with the Fukibi as it camoflauges well in their area.


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