Sergio Mopher Character in Cirke | World Anvil
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Sergio Mopher

Sergio Mopher is a Kalpa whom has long blackish blue hair and deep blue scales. He is a baker in Sashir who wears a fancy doublet and plain trousers. His girlfriend is a muscular Tabaxi officer in the Sashir guards named Julleigh. She tends to break their dress code and wears a deep blue slitted dress for most of her shifts. She's so intimidating, her superior and inferior officers don't say anything; they know she could kill them easily if they tried. Sergio worships at the temple of the Grey Child, in this country noted as the God of Knowledge and the Arcane, but if asked about it he will claim he only goes for their music and curiosity. Sergio is twitchy upon meeting him, because he's recently witnessed a fellow follower murder someone while he was walking home drunk from a tavern, and they met eyes. A silent threat to never speak of what he'd seen passed between them. This may have been passed telepathically, but what do we remember when drunk? He is a Day Walker member.


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