Surri Packtusk Character in Cirke | World Anvil
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Surri Packtusk

Surri is a locally loved female Leonin child. She has the tiniest fangs and wears her hair in small pigtails. She travels all over the city, wearing a torn and heavily patched brown shirt and recently actual pants, that were probably a gift. She lives with her family, a poor but kind bunch that live in a run-down part of Sashir called Diversity Point. This isn't its actual name, but is lovingly dubbed so because the variety of peoples, races, and sects is large. Surri is a wealth of information on the city; she knows many things on the Day Walkers, the Silence, the governement and who's important and not important to talk to in the city. She also knows the quickest ways around town and all of the shortcuts. Surri has met Goltin and talked to him at length along with his Loxodon companion. She's even seen Thyllis walking out of guild meetings looking secretly dejected, even if she knows he would be killed for showing such feelings openly to the evil guild. She hates the Day Walkers and their rampant dabbling in slavery and other nefarious crimes in the city.


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