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Xyo (Zee-yow)

Xyo? Maybe? Inventor deity—blessed with life giving abilities from Ta, and thusly gets to give his creations life—this is how the Burnished Harts and the other messenger bird constructs get to exist. Might have some sort of law-enforcing motive in them from Ta’s blessing? Not sure yet.Woman deity, and I want her to be smaller, outside the norm for a forge/creation deity. Was her form changed when she became immortal? Thoughts!!!! Can create pseudo life in just about any sort of mundane object, and thusly come the magicked items lol. Brooms, books, watcher cubes, whatever. Definitely wooden and metal animals, etc.   Amulets/Medallions are used for summoning magic and are created by creatures themselves--did this deity start that by finding the connection between souls and objects? And if so, how did we get from soul/object to an object being created from soul?


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