House of Crows

The House of Crows is one of the Great Vampire Houses.   Local legend has it that they can literally transform into birds known as crows. Were this true, being that they no longer have access to the skies, they probably don't use this ability as often. In the Old Days before the disaster that brought them all into the depths, crows were seen in many cultures as signifiers of bad luck and death. Considering all that the people of the Lower Levels whisper about the Crows, this seems quite fitting.   Several members of the House of Crows are thought to work as spies or undercover members of the Police. Whatever the case is, <insert character name>, leader of the Crows, is quite renown for holding the title of <insert official title name>, the highest position in the <insert government name>'s judicial branch.

Cover image: Underground by Peter H


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