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Lumen City University LCU

Lumen City University (LCU) is a wealthy public college that excells at a broad array of academic specialties. It isn't the best of the best in any given field, but it's above average for almost any degree you could ask for. On top of this, the school has a multitude of professors for most core classes, offering a lot of flexibility in schedules. The university is well liked for student's abilities to manage both school and work, and has a plethora of scholarships to aid in completing school with little financial worry. It almost makes the school worth going to despite constantly being under attack or caught in the crossfire between supernatural forces...   The university has a school uniform and dress code, but it is not very strictly enforced and many students will show up to class with their own outfits or augmented versions of their school uniforms to express their individuality and style. The school's colors are (WIP, will be a group discussion), but each year of students has a unique set of colors that differentiate Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. These colors stay with the graduating year as they progress, and the newest year of students is assigned whatever color that comes next in the cycle. Currently, the Freshmen color is (WIP, will be a group discussion), the Sophomores color is are (WIP, will be a group discussion), the Junior color is (WIP, will be a group discussion), and the Senior color is (WIP, will be a group discussion). After every four years of graduating classes, the school uniform gets a makeover to differentiate between older and newer versions of the same color uniform (since it's not uncommon to spend more than four years at college).   Unlike most universities, LCU gives students a homeroom class to go to each semester. Often, students will keep the same homeroom professor until they graduate. These classes are for orientation, learning about school wide events / policy changes / other news, and general study groups.  


There are a multitude of groups at LCU full of a wide variety of different interests and hobbies. Plenty of these groups lead to post-graduation opportunities for students and help students get ahead in life, and others are purely for-fun hobbies. Each group has a group president, leader, or representative elected by other members of thr group, and they are often responsible for group events and activities.   (WIP, I think I've added names for all I plan to so far. Feel free to request any more)  

Acapella Group

The LCU Acapella Group is a group of choir students that have signed up for a smaller, specific singing group specifically geared for acapella performance. They are often top of the choir group and more dedicated to the main club than most other members.   The representative of the Acapella group is Noa Tajra, a member of the choir group who originally split off to start the acapella team. He started a social media page for the group and they regularly go viral with acapella covers and original content.  

Anthropology, History, and Archaeology Club (AHA)

The AHA is a group of student historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists that get together to discuss human history and culture and help study for related classes. The AHA is responsible for the LCU Ren Fair and culture appreciation events.   The representative of the AHA is Henriëtte Elnur, an adventurous anthropology student who's always seeking out ways to bring action to anthropology. She plans the LCU Ren Fair and is pushing for more LARP type activities on campus.  

Art Club

The art club is a group of students who love to draw, paint, sculpt, and otherwise create works of art. The group is also home to graphic designers and 3D modelers. Plenty of students who are seeking a carreer in art can get scholarships or internships through the club, and the group collects anonymous commisions for group members to complete for money.   The representative of the Art Club is Harald Ilmari, an art history major who spends hours in museums studying famous paintings and sculptures.  

Campus Monitors

The Campus Monitors act as hall monitors on campus and in the buildings. They keep drunk or other under the nfluence students off campus, break up fights, and bust drug deals on campus grounds whenever they can. Once called Students Against Delinquency but changed the name after the members got called SAD; still a popular nickname among haters.   The representative of the Campus Monitors is Suriya Hildin, an officer-in-training with a strong sense of justice (and perhaps ego) and a desire to serve their community.  


The LCU chroir group are a large group of students who come together to organize performances, practice vocals, and sing for fun.   The representative of the Choir is Alexandra Valeri, a skilled vocalist dedicated to reaching new heights of musical excellence.  

Cooking Club

The Cooking Club is full of students with a love of cooking, baking, or simply a love of food.   The representative of the Cooking Club is Dušan Zarina, an aspiring chef studying culinary arts and experimenting with fusion cuisine in their dorm kitchen.  

Critters Club

The Critters Club is a group of animal lovers, modern and prehistoric, who have come together to discuss animals, organize volunteer work for shelters or museums, and host informational events.   The representative of the Critters Club is Ramsey Alim, an animal lover majoring in veterinary science and volunteering at the local animal shelter.  

Ecology Club

The ecology club is a smaller offshoot of the science club that was created to focus on plant and animal life, especially of that around the epicenter.   The representative of the Ecology Club is Quinn Wynne, an ecology major who studies the epicenter as an intern at Solstice Laboratories. They are also the leader of the Science club.  

Equestrian Society

The equestrian society is a group of horse girls/guys who they train and take care of horses at the agriculture center. They host races and mock jousting for group members and others who wish to participate.   The representative of the Equestrian Society is Sadgo Norimond, a dedicated pre-med student juggling volunteer work at the local hospital with late-night study sessions and working with the horses at the agriculture center.  

Experts on Mathematics and Arithmetic (EMA)

The EMA is a group of students who come together to study mathematics and often tutor other students for math and math related classes.   The representative of the EMA is Jareth Danni, an architecture student who sees the world through a design lens and calculated geometry. They are constantly sketching new structures, and are incredibly quick with geometric calculations.  

Fashion and Design Club

The Fashion and Design club is a group of students dedicated to clothing and outfit creation and design.   The representative of the Fashion and Design Club is Adaline Olympas, an aspiring fashion designer with an eye for gothic styles and a passion for asymetric clothing.  

Fencing Club

The fencing club is a group of students who practice fencing and host fencing tournaments. Many students who participate also work with the Common Steel.   The representative of the Fencing Club is Karolyn Fedot, an adrenaline junkie who works with the Common Steel and is always looking for an excuse to pull out her blade and show off.

Full Orchestra

The Full Orchestra is a collection of students from the band, orchestra, and choir that came together to create a full orchestra. They organize performances, practice, and play for fun.   The representative of the Full Orchestra is Vivek Sharleen, a violinist with aspirations of becoming a composer and conductor.  

Game Club

The Game Club is a group advertized to be the center of esports, TTRPGs, and card games for all those that seek a place to play. Mostly, the team plays super smash bros or LoL.   The representative of the Game Club is Sovan Mekhi, an esport enthusaist with aspirations of becoming the best Ryze NA. Known for not being the best with women.  

Hikers Club

The Hikers Club is a group of active students who share equipment and organize events for hiking, climbing, camping, and caving.   The representative of the Hikers Club is Pradeep Terrance, a wilderness survival expert studying outdoor education and leading camping trips for fellow students.  

Jazz Group

The Jazz Group is just that, the jazz group at LCU. They plan performances, perform improv, and practice together.   The representative of the Jazz Group is Agron Francesca, a talented musician majoring in jazz performance, who can often be found improvising melodies in Ravi Park. They are happy to let others listen in but often get upset with people who butt in on their performance.  

Junior Arcanists

The Junior Arcanists are a group of up-and-coming mages that get funding from the Lumen Arcane Academy. Many club members go to the LAA after graduation.   The representative of the Junior Arcanists is Anastasia Anubis, a chronurgy major who helps her fellow to-be wizards to study by using minor time-warping spells to maximize study time.  

LCU Journalists

The LCU Journalists are a group of students who aspire to be reporters, journalists, or urban researchers or otherwise are passionate about the news. They are responsible for the campus news letter and often intern with EnLighten Journalism.   The representative of the LCU Journalists is Zachary Lok, a sociology major advocating for social justice causes on campus and organizing protests for change.  

LCU Owls / Hockey Team

The LCU Owls is the college hockey team, the largest sport in Lumen City. The team is known for their excellence compared to other college teams and are often scouted for professional teams. Recently, even the Lumen City Eclipse has begun looking for new players at LCU.   The captain of the LCU Owls is Hunter Mihail, a senior finance major and vegan who is extremely talented despite his height and assumed diet disadvantages. He is always looking out for his team and is constantly looking for opportunities to help them improve or get together for team camaraderie.  

LCU Theater

The LCU Theater is a group of students that organize, write, perform, build props for, and make outfits for performances and plays.   The representative of the LCU Theater is Dion Zeinab, A film buff studying film production and constantly critiquing the latest Hollywood releases.  

Linguistics and Culture Clubs

The Linguistics and Culture clubs are a collection of clubs dedicated to specific languages ands cultures, often more than one. I wont list them all, you get the idea.   The most well known representative of the Linguistics and Culture Clubs is Endre Samu, an international relations student who speaks multiple languages and has a knack for picking up the basics of a language very quickly.  

Literature Club

The Literature club is a collection of students who create and/or admire poetry, novels, theater, movies, and other forms of literature and media. Insert doki doki joke here.   The representative of the Literature Club is Lia Tomislava, a budding playwright with a flair for the dramatic and a love for sonnets.  

Lumen City Light Advocates (LCLA)

The LCLA are a group of students who worship the First Star and often volunteer at or apprentice at temples across Lumen City. Although they only pledge to give religious students a place to worship and share eachother's company, they are infamous for spreading misinformation, preaching in unwanted places on campus, and acting against those who go against their beliefs.   The representative of the LCLA is Austen Maimunah, a theology major who is deeply committed to their faith with the ultimate goal of becoming a high cleric of the first star.  

Lux Scouts / Luxcouts

The Luxcouts are a group of nature-loving explorers dedicated to preparing themselves and others to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes through various training exercises and activities, each earning a participant a specific badge to display their skill. They often train younger kids through troop programs and are known for their cookies, popcorn, and other treats via their door-to-door fundraising.   The representative of the Lux Scouts is Tore Izidor, an ecology major with a passion for outdoor adventure and community service, diligently working towards achieving the prestigious rank of Star Scout (aka Eagle Scout).  

Marching Band

The Marching band is a group of band kids who perform marching songs and routines for the LCU hockey games. They also host individual performances separate from games, but these are much less popular.   The representative of the Marching Band is Marisol Aviram, a musicology major who dedicates countless hours to perfecting their performance and proudly showcasing their school spirit on the field.  

Psychology and Group Therapy Club

The Psychology and Group Therapy club is a group created by psychology majors to both discuss their major and also offer their fellow students a safe space to discuss life and seek nion-professional, free advice from those who know them.   The representative of the Psychology Club is Aatu Ọbatala, a psychology major who loves analyzing people's dreams. They have a reputation for their good accuracy and have been accused of sunburn abuse.  

Robotics Club

The LCU Robotics club is full of coding fanatics and engineers who want to show off or have fun by building and coding robotics. They host robot battle tournaments on campus.   The representative of the Robotics Club is Raymundo Zac, a computer science prodigy who codes apps in their spare time and dreams of launching their own tech startup.  

Science Club

The Science club is a group of students with an ethusiasm for the many fields of science. They organize the annual science fair as well as other science-themed events and generally discuss and study for science-specific majors.   The representative of the Science Club is Quinn Wynne, an ecology major who studies the epicenter as an intern at Solstice Laboratories. They are also the creator of the much smaller Ecology Club, which they also lead.  

Sports Teams

There are a lot of little groups for all the sports that aren't just hockey. I won't list them all or their captains unless it becomes relevant, but assume they exist if need be.  

Student Counsel

The student counsil is the group of students who petition to make/change rules for students and organize fundraisers for non school sponsored events. They are an elected body that holds elections every year; only seven students can be a part of the counsil at a time.   The most well known representative of the Student Counsel is Hekla Bidzina, a political science student with aspirations of running for office one day, fueled by their passion for public service. Any time they are not elected into the counsil they run independant projects for the school.      


Cliques at LCU are the stereotypical classifications for students in most social school settings. Most social groups have a lit of smaller circles of friends, and plenty of people are unaware that they classify as a member of a specific clique. For each, I will explain the clique. I've decided not to name any individual or group here because there's too damn many of these.  


The populars, mean girls, and priss kids. Not all of these students assholes, but they often are due to rich-kid disconnect or social-obsessed insecurity.  


The sporty gym-bros and other athletes. Mostly just into sports and competition; the minority who are assholes set the stereotype for jock bullies, but most jocks are just focused on their sport, gains, staying in shape, or generally being a part of the athlete community.  


Overachievers, teachers pets, and workaholics. These students are usually in multiple clubs, do lots of volunteer work, and/or have jobs (maybe multiple, maybe full time). Some are in constant overwhelm, and others find the constant work relaxing.  

Band Kids / Theater Kids

Both literal students who band and anyone who would classify as a "theater kid". These students are fine arts enthusaists; Marching kids border on Jock at times, but mostly anyone with a fine arts focus would classify.  

Nerds / Geeks

Both the academic nerds and gamer/tabletop kids. They're infamous for their lack of social skills and deoderant.  


The standard student. Not too much of anything to be otherwise defined, and not usually grouped here by choice.  


Gliders are students who do the bare minimum, often spending their time under the influence in some way in class and/or skip classes often. Named this because they skate by the bare minimum and are seen as "floaty" people.  

Emos, Goths, Punks, Rebels

Self explanatory; golths, punks, emos, rebels, delinquents, any such group has it's own cluster of students that qualify. These are often lumped together by outsiders looking in, but each group differentiates between themselves.  

Sweats, loners, "them"

All the kids who lack friends for one reason or another. Super anime enthusaists/weaboos, incels, overly obsessives, and all other socially inept (for good reason or not) people.  


There are a lot of professors who work at LCU, several of which take on multiple majors or specific subjects. Below are the most notable:   (WIP, I've named all I wanted to, feel free to request any. ALSO if you want to make an NPC professor but the class you want them to teach is already listed, I will replace them! I'd rather the professor be your NPC)  

Professor Lican 

WIP the (wo)man(?) themself. IDK about a name or gender identity yet.  

Professor Tan Yao-Hi

Professor that teaches Zoology and Ecology, F  

Professor Sif Nesset

Professor that teaches History, M  

Professor Stace Burgess

Professor that teaches Anthropology and Culture, F  

Professor Sidney Aveskamp

Professor that teaches Classic Literature and Mythology, F  

Professor Auda Báthory

Professor that teaches Chemistry, N  

Professor Raissa McCormick

Professor that teaches Biochem and Molecular Bio, F  

Professor Bodi Korrapati

Professor that teaches Botany and Agriculture, F  

Professor Felipe Beck

Professor that teaches Geography, Geology, Weather and Climate, M  

Professor Leokaida Singh

Professor that teaches Social and Political Affairs, M  

Professor Servaos Zawar

Professor that teaches Physics, Algebra, and Calculus, N  

Professor Taniel Grady

Professor that teaches Art and Design, M  

Professor Marten Haanraas

Professor that teaches Culinary Arts, M  

Professor Georgi Schovajsa

Professor that teaches Computer Science, M  

Professor Noísse Lamb

Professor that teaches Modern Literature and Poetry, F  

Professor Gaizka Abe

Professor that teaches Business Process, Management, Finance, F  

Professor Ives Misra

Professor that teaches Engineering, F  

Professor Esther Chance

Professor that teaches Linguistics and Psychology, N  

Coach Alan Pascal

The LCU Owls hockey team coach, M        


(WIP Principle and counselor(s))
(WIP rough image of school uniform)

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