Night Goblin

Most demons have the decency to return to wherever they came from as soon as they fulfill whatever obligations their summoning has placed upon them. Night Goblins, on the other hand, look at a summons from a spellcaster in our world not as a temporary obligation but as an invitation to a never-ending buffet of their favorite meal, human flesh. Rather than going back wherever they came from upon fulfilling their obligations, night goblins hang around, taking up residence in abandoned buildings, tombs, or unused sections of The Undercity, and stalking the surrouding streets at night looking for their next meal. Summoners who attempt to forcibly send the goblins back to their home plane are often killed and eaten for their trouble. Given their uncontrollable and duplicitious nature, night goblins are typically only summoned by wizards who are extremely foolish, desperate, or confident in their abilities and protective wards.   Since they tend to travel (and are usually summoned) in packs, any sudden increase in nighttime disappearances and grisley murders sets off a full-scale search and destroy mission as citizens of the afflicted area of town search high and low for the goblin nest. Such searches are conducted during the day, when the goblins are at a disadvantage--they don't see well in bright light and are burned by direct sunlight--but are usually supplemented by nighttime patrols and curfews to prevent the goblins from taking any more victims.   Night goblins are short, gray-skinned demons with large, bald heads, pointed ears, and glowing yellow eyes. Their long arms end in large, clawed hands ending in wickedly sharp talons. While vicious and cunnting, night goblins are not terribly bright or good at hiding their tracks, which makes finding their lair a relatively simple task once the threat is identified.

Cover image: Main Header Banner City of Ten Thousand Daggers by Steve Johnson


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