Ashley Williams Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Ashley Williams

Drop Point: Rollinsberg

Titular character from the Evil Dead film franchise. Ashley Williams, Ash to his friends and enemies, life was normal until one day he took a trip with his friends to a cabin in the woods and weird things started happening (go watch Evil Dead). Then in the sequel he gets his patented chainsaw hand (go watch Evil Dead 2) and somehow winds up in the past due to an evil book (watch Army of Darkness).

Then a show happened that is canon (kind of) and ended on a cliffhanger. Ash has also appeared in comics.

Lore: He appears in Rollingsberg and works as a store where it's known he deals with random monsters that appear in the vicinity. Will he make an actual impact on the story itself is anyone's guess, however that is for someone else to decide.  

ben notes

Evil dead 1 ash: Scared, has a hard time dealing with evil forces, freezes up a lot, like most of the movie. I don't remeber if he ever takes any agressive action but I don't remeber him ever doing that.

Evil dead 2 ash: REalizes he's stuck in a real bad situation, starts doing anything to escape it. still struggling to accept and deal with whats going on, crying and afraid but taking agressive actions. is More manic.

Evil dead 2 notes

Went through a car, concosuion jokes?

Throughout the second movie deadites continue to confus him with wether their real or he's insande and I think he'd a little bit buying into it first.

his plan to seems to be to deal with the deadites by meeting crazy with crazy. (not sure if it's a "plan" or "Ash suucumbing ot all the head injuries he's reicived")

is able to stave off deaditeisim through rembering his girl friend. unsure what emotion is the catalyst for that: Love or guilt?


calls people kid?

army of darkness notes

Is very done with everything.


Prone to head injuries

Worked a job at a walmart or target like store caled "S-Mart" where they made him say the slogan "Shop smart, shop S-Mart"

Infinate ammo in his shotgun

Wise to deadites BS

Gets Bionic hand

Unhealth realtionships maybe???

Might be a self serving douche bag, who only reatlitaes when cornered

Possibly able to make crazy contraptions (though its unknown if thats Ash or the blacksmith. though it was probably ashes Idea)

Might be slowly devlolving into a violent sociopath


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